2024-2025 GHSA Boys Basketball Schedule - Explain Ranking - Harrison

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Harrison11 - 70.602210.473260.531690.53592
Neutral Site
5 / 74 / 82 / 30 / 0
WP =
0.9 * 5 (Home Wins) + 1.1 * 4 (Away Wins) + 1.0 * 2 (Neutral Site Wins)
0.9 * 7 (Home Contests) + 1.1 * 8 (Away Contests) + 1.0 * 3 (Neutral Site Contests)
= 0.60221
(Campbell)2 * 0.55484(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Harrison) +
(North Cobb)1 * 0.23214(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Harrison) +
(Marietta)1 * 0.53535(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Harrison) +
(Allatoona)1 * 0.75424(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Harrison) +
(North Paulding)1 * 0.23005(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Harrison) +
(Denmark)1 * 0.00000(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Harrison) +
(Cedartown)1 * 0.56579(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Harrison) +
(Paulding County)2 * 0.51185(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Harrison) +
(Osborne)2 * 0.12583(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Harrison) +
(South Cobb)1 * 0.50685(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Harrison) +
(Brooks County)1 * 0.37173(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Harrison) +
(Pebblebrook)1 * 0.69417(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Harrison) +
(Hillgrove)2 * 0.71622(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Harrison) +
(McEachern)1 * 0.81081(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Harrison) / 18 (GHSA Opponent Count)
= 0.47326
(Campbell)2 * 0.59533(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(North Cobb)1 * 0.51517(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(Marietta)1 * 0.49199(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(Allatoona)1 * 0.42221(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(North Paulding)1 * 0.55697(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(Denmark)1 * 0.49625(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(Cedartown)1 * 0.37503(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(Paulding County)2 * 0.52523(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(Osborne)2 * 0.57079(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(South Cobb)1 * 0.52498(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(Brooks County)1 * 0.43082(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(Pebblebrook)1 * 0.58900(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(Hillgrove)2 * 0.55591(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(McEachern)1 * 0.67349(Times Played * Opponent OWP) / 18 (GHSA Opponent Count)
= 0.53169
PSRF = 0.35 * 0.60221 (WP) + 0.35 * 0.47326 (OWP) + 0.30 * 0.53169 (OOWP) = 0.53592
Opponents (Wins, Contests, WP excludes Harrison, OWP includes all opponents)
Neutral Site
Campbell9 - 74 / 60 / 15 / 90 / 00.554840.59533
North Cobb4 - 132 / 81 / 61 / 30 / 00.232140.51517
Marietta11 - 95 / 81 / 62 / 23 / 40.535350.49199
Allatoona18 - 68 / 106 / 62 / 52 / 30.754240.42221
North Paulding5 - 162 / 71 / 102 / 40 / 00.230050.55697
Denmark0 - 220 / 80 / 100 / 30 / 10.000000.49625
Cedartown13 - 106 / 105 / 82 / 30 / 20.565790.37503
Paulding County11 - 104 / 72 / 84 / 51 / 10.511850.52523
Osborne2 - 131 / 50 / 61 / 40 / 00.125830.57079
South Cobb8 - 76 / 80 / 42 / 30 / 00.506850.52498
Brooks County7 - 123 / 84 / 90 / 00 / 20.371730.43082
Pebblebrook14 - 63 / 46 / 101 / 24 / 40.694170.58900
Hillgrove16 - 64 / 53 / 75 / 54 / 50.716220.55591
McEachern18 - 46 / 66 / 86 / 80 / 00.810810.67349


11/12 North Cobb 58 - 40  W
11/14 Marietta 74 - 44  W
11/16 At Allatoona 54 - 65  L
11/19 At North Paulding 83 - 63  W
11/26 Denmark (Neutral) 72 - 38  W
11/30 At Cedartown 61 - 30  W
12/06 At Paulding County 73 - 75  L
12/10 At Osborne 56 - 50  W
12/13 Campbell (Neutral) 60 - 62  L
12/17 South Cobb 42 - 41  W
12/28 Brooks County (Neutral) 74 - 37  W
1/07 At Pebblebrook 44 - 61  L
1/10 At Hillgrove 60 - 71  L
1/17 Paulding County 51 - 49  W
1/21 McEachern 56 - 73  L
1/24 At Campbell 59 - 56  W
1/28 Hillgrove 60 - 64  L
1/31 Osborne 69 - 57  W
Wins: 11, Losses: 7, Ties: 0
11/09 Stephenson (Neutral) 69 - 47  W
11/25 Chapel Hill (Neutral) 50 - 61  L
12/06 South Cobb 59 - 54  W
12/07 Chattahoochee (Neutral) 68 - 66  W
12/10 Pebblebrook 58 - 65  L
12/13 Harrison (Neutral) 62 - 60  W
12/17 Osborne 77 - 58  W
12/21 At North Cobb Christian 68 - 82  L
12/28 Dalton (Neutral) 54 - 50  W
1/03 Walton (Neutral) 62 - 78  L
1/07 Paulding County 54 - 52  W
1/09 McEachern 40 - 50  L
1/14 Osborne (Neutral) 54 - 50  W
1/17 South Cobb (Neutral) 58 - 56  W
1/21 Hillgrove 49 - 43  W
1/24 Harrison 56 - 59  L
1/28 McEachern (Neutral) 45 - 70  L
1/31 Pebblebrook (Neutral) 57 - 71  L
Wins: 10, Losses: 8, Ties: 0
North CobbAAAAAA
11/12 At Harrison 40 - 58  L
11/16 Pope 47 - 71  L
11/19 At Paulding County 44 - 57  L
11/23 South Forsyth (Neutral) 55 - 59  L
11/25 At Cambridge 49 - 61  L
11/26 River Ridge (Neutral) 45 - 69  L
12/03 Etowah 42 - 59  L
12/06 Wheeler 36 - 103  L
12/10 Marietta 73 - 56  W
12/14 At Kennesaw Mountain 43 - 45  L
12/20 Banneker (Neutral) 49 - 44  W
12/21 At Pope 54 - 51  W
1/04 Kennesaw Mountain 46 - 50  L
1/07 At Walton 36 - 75  L
1/10 Cherokee 41 - 54  L
1/14 North Paulding 57 - 54  W
1/17 At Etowah 44 - 83  L
1/18 Cass 45 - 47  L
Wins: 4, Losses: 14, Ties: 0
11/14 At Harrison 44 - 74  L
11/16 North Clayton (Neutral) 52 - 51  W
11/23 Tournament TBD (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 67 - 56  W
11/25 Tournament TBD (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 58 - 61  L
11/26 Tournament TBD (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 66 - 53  W
11/26 South Forsyth (Neutral) 66 - 53  W
12/03 Wheeler 52 - 99  L
12/06 At Cherokee 33 - 55  L
12/10 At North Cobb 56 - 73  L
12/13 North Paulding 64 - 57  W
12/14 At East Paulding 56 - 61  L
12/20 Kennesaw Mountain 54 - 49  W
12/27 Tournament TBD (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 56 - 38  W
12/28 Hardaway 64 - 46  W
12/31 North Clayton 44 - 42  W
1/04 Galloway 58 - 53  W
1/10 At Etowah 35 - 67  L
1/14 Walton 21 - 63  L
1/17 At Wheeler 44 - 70  L
1/21 Cherokee 55 - 61  L
1/28 At North Paulding 77 - 60  W
Wins: 11, Losses: 10, Ties: 0
11/12 Kings Academy (Non-GHSA) 62 - 52  W
11/14 Creekview 51 - 63  L
11/16 Harrison 65 - 54  W
11/19 Kennesaw Mountain 44 - 45  L
11/27 Southwest (Neutral) 46 - 51  L
12/03 At Cedartown 71 - 45  W
12/06 At Cartersville 62 - 45  W
12/07 Woodstock (Neutral) 49 - 52  L
12/10 Woodland, Cartersville 77 - 54  W
12/13 Southeast Whitfield 97 - 26  W
12/17 At Hiram 75 - 54  W
12/27 Sonoraville (Neutral) 85 - 44  W
12/28 Paulding County (Neutral) 65 - 69  L
12/28 At TBD (Non-GHSA) 65 - 69  L
12/30 Blessed Trinity (Neutral) 48 - 34  W
12/30 At TBD (Non-GHSA) 48 - 34  W
1/04 North Paulding 54 - 36  W
1/07 Dalton 51 - 26  W
1/10 Cass 64 - 53  W
1/14 Cedartown 63 - 52  W
1/17 Cartersville 73 - 53  W
1/21 At Woodland, Cartersville 73 - 39  W
1/24 At Southeast Whitfield 80 - 22  W
1/28 Hiram 74 - 62  W
1/31 At Cass 58 - 38  W
Wins: 19, Losses: 6, Ties: 0
North PauldingAAAAAA
11/16 Cass 77 - 64  W
11/19 Harrison 63 - 83  L
11/22 At East Paulding 63 - 60  W
11/25 At Lassiter 37 - 70  L
11/26 Sprayberry (Neutral) 39 - 57  L
12/03 At Adairsville 53 - 62  L
12/06 At Walton 40 - 70  L
12/10 Cherokee 58 - 77  L
12/13 At Marietta 57 - 64  L
12/14 At Model 51 - 61  L
12/19 East Paulding 63 - 49  W
12/27 Paulding County (Neutral) 52 - 65  L
12/28 Sonoraville (Neutral) 55 - 52  W
12/30 Ringgold (Neutral) 60 - 55  W
1/04 At Allatoona 36 - 54  L
1/07 At Etowah 34 - 68  L
1/10 Wheeler 54 - 90  L
1/14 At North Cobb 54 - 57  L
1/21 Walton 54 - 75  L
1/24 At Cherokee 41 - 64  L
1/28 Marietta 60 - 77  L
1/31 Etowah 53 - 84  L
Wins: 5, Losses: 17, Ties: 0
11/09 Flowery Branch (Neutral) 47 - 61  L
11/12 At Sequoyah 59 - 97  L
11/16 River Ridge 61 - 67  L
11/21 East Forsyth 49 - 83  L
11/25 Centennial (Neutral) 42 - 80  L
11/26 Harrison (Neutral) 38 - 72  L
11/30 At Creekview 54 - 83  L
12/03 At Alpharetta 64 - 67  L
12/06 At Lambert 30 - 78  L
12/10 West Forsyth 52 - 64  L
12/13 At South Forsyth 27 - 72  L
12/17 Forsyth Central 61 - 65  L
12/20 At Brookwood 54 - 63  L
12/21 TBD (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 44 - 67  L
1/07 North Atlanta 40 - 64  L
1/10 At North Forsyth 27 - 70  L
1/14 Alpharetta 46 - 48  L
1/17 Lambert 43 - 79  L
1/20 Seckinger (Neutral) 43 - 74  L
1/24 South Forsyth 56 - 67  L
1/28 At Forsyth Central 42 - 75  L
1/29 At West Forsyth 53 - 85  L
1/31 At North Atlanta 49 - 93  L
Wins: 0, Losses: 23, Ties: 0
11/19 At Bremen 62 - 39  W
11/21 Armuchee 66 - 45  W
11/25 Sonoraville (Neutral) 53 - 56  L
11/26 McMinn County, Tennessee (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 39 - 55  L
11/30 Harrison 30 - 61  L
12/03 Allatoona 45 - 71  L
12/06 Dalton 31 - 49  L
12/10 At Hiram 40 - 57  L
12/13 At Cass 65 - 46  W
12/17 Woodland, Cartersville 54 - 47  W
12/26 Bowdon (Neutral) 66 - 61  W
12/27 Haralson County (Neutral) 58 - 37  W
12/28 Hokes Bluff, AL (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 53 - 62  L
1/03 Bremen 49 - 48  W
1/04 Rockmart 60 - 44  W
1/07 Cartersville 85 - 74  W
1/10 At Southeast Whitfield 83 - 23  W
1/14 At Allatoona 52 - 63  L
1/17 At Dalton 36 - 50  L
1/18 At Rockmart 61 - 59  W
1/21 Hiram 36 - 72  L
1/24 Cass 54 - 57  L
1/28 At Woodland, Cartersville 64 - 50  W
1/31 Southeast Whitfield 63 - 34  W
Wins: 13, Losses: 11, Ties: 0
Paulding CountyAAAAAA
11/12 East Paulding 62 - 51  W
11/15 Hiram 69 - 57  W
11/16 Creekside Christian Academy (Non-GHSA) 68 - 49  W
11/19 North Cobb 57 - 44  W
11/23 Roswell (Neutral) 57 - 65  L
11/25 River Ridge (Neutral) 86 - 79  W
11/26 At Cambridge 48 - 58  L
12/06 Harrison 75 - 73  W
12/07 At Kennesaw Mountain 66 - 57  W
12/10 Hillgrove 84 - 87  L
12/13 At Pebblebrook 38 - 70  L
12/17 At McEachern 75 - 90  L
12/27 North Paulding (Neutral) 65 - 52  W
12/28 Allatoona (Neutral) 69 - 65  W
12/30 Adairsville (Neutral) 82 - 62  W
1/07 At Campbell 52 - 54  L
1/10 South Cobb 76 - 71  W
1/14 McEachern 51 - 70  L
1/17 At Harrison 49 - 51  L
1/21 At Osborne 59 - 53  W
1/24 Pebblebrook 45 - 55  L
1/28 At South Cobb 54 - 57  L
1/31 At Hillgrove 61 - 66  L
Wins: 12, Losses: 11, Ties: 0
11/09 Lovett (Neutral) 67 - 71  L
11/16 Stephenson 75 - 72  W
11/19 At Arabia Mountain 59 - 69  L
11/23 Mount Vernon (Neutral) 68 - 65  W
12/06 Hillgrove 49 - 60  L
12/10 Harrison 50 - 56  L
12/13 At South Cobb 42 - 59  L
12/14 Social Circle 54 - 56  L
12/17 At Campbell 58 - 77  L
12/21 Mays (Neutral) 58 - 76  L
1/07 At McEachern 50 - 90  L
1/10 Pebblebrook 51 - 78  L
1/14 Campbell (Neutral) 50 - 54  L
1/17 At Hillgrove 58 - 88  L
1/21 Paulding County 53 - 59  L
1/28 At Pebblebrook 34 - 81  L
1/31 At Harrison 57 - 69  L
Wins: 2, Losses: 15, Ties: 0
South CobbAAAAAA
11/09 Arabia Mountain (Neutral) 48 - 40  W
11/12 Hampton 45 - 23  W
11/16 Carrollton 34 - 59  L
11/19 At New Manchester 57 - 61  L
11/26 Miller Grove (Neutral) 57 - 53  W
12/06 At Campbell 54 - 59  L
12/10 At McEachern 54 - 75  L
12/13 Osborne 59 - 42  W
12/17 At Harrison 41 - 42  L
1/03 Stockbridge 59 - 44  W
1/07 Hillgrove 67 - 54  W
1/10 At Paulding County 71 - 76  L
1/17 Campbell (Neutral) 56 - 58  L
1/21 Pebblebrook 49 - 61  L
1/28 Paulding County 57 - 54  W
1/31 McEachern 64 - 63  W
Wins: 8, Losses: 8, Ties: 0
Brooks CountyA Division II
12/07 Cook 59 - 60  L
12/10 At Berrien 32 - 66  L
12/17 Berrien 45 - 57  L
12/21 At Cairo 59 - 56  W
12/26 At Thomasville 57 - 79  L
12/28 Harrison (Neutral) 37 - 74  L
1/04 Lanier County 62 - 65  L
1/07 At Echols County 75 - 51  W
1/08 At Cook 52 - 49  W
1/10 Clinch County 57 - 79  L
1/11 At Madison County, FL (Non-GHSA) 43 - 80  L
1/17 Atkinson County 45 - 43  W
1/18 Turner County 49 - 65  L
1/20 Madison County, FL (Non-GHSA) 66 - 78  L
1/28 At Clinch County 39 - 72  L
1/29 At Lanier County 46 - 56  L
1/31 Echols County 75 - 37  W
2/01 Irwin County 69 - 58  W
2/03 At Charlton County 52 - 62  L
2/04 At Atkinson County 63 - 37  W
Wins: 7, Losses: 13, Ties: 0
11/08 Aldine (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 67 - 43  W
11/09 Houston Christian (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 53 - 39  W
11/16 At Norcross 77 - 80  L
11/19 At Kings Ridge 66 - 55  W
11/22 At Kell 68 - 70  L
12/06 McEachern 49 - 55  L
12/10 At Campbell 65 - 58  W
12/13 Paulding County 70 - 38  W
12/17 At Hillgrove 54 - 67  L
12/21 At Woodstock 68 - 63  W
12/27 At Oak Ridge, TN (Non-GHSA) 77 - 62  W
12/28 Southeastern Prep Academy (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 76 - 46  W
1/04 Alexander (Neutral) 53 - 63  L
1/07 Harrison 61 - 44  W
1/10 At Osborne 78 - 51  W
1/14 Hillgrove 72 - 54  W
1/17 At McEachern 52 - 63  L
1/21 At South Cobb 61 - 49  W
1/24 At Paulding County 55 - 45  W
1/28 Osborne 81 - 34  W
1/31 Campbell (Neutral) 71 - 57  W
Wins: 15, Losses: 6, Ties: 0
11/09 Lanier (Neutral) 53 - 52  W
11/12 At Kennesaw Mountain 79 - 69  W
11/16 Mt. Paran Christian (Neutral) 57 - 56  W
11/19 Paideia 83 - 56  W
11/25 Central Gwinnett (Neutral) 63 - 57  W
11/29 Bishop Moore (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 52 - 38  W
11/30 Mainland (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 74 - 55  W
12/06 At Osborne 60 - 49  W
12/10 At Paulding County 87 - 84  W
12/13 McEachern 60 - 84  L
12/14 Fayette County (Neutral) 61 - 43  W
12/17 Pebblebrook 67 - 54  W
12/26 TBD (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 52 - 76  L
12/27 Mt. Bethel Christian (Neutral) 68 - 60  W
12/27 TBD (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 68 - 60  W
12/28 TBD (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 69 - 54  W
1/07 At South Cobb 54 - 67  L
1/10 Harrison 71 - 60  W
1/14 At Pebblebrook 54 - 72  L
1/17 Osborne 88 - 58  W
1/21 At Campbell 43 - 49  L
1/24 At McEachern 43 - 67  L
1/28 At Harrison 64 - 60  W
1/31 Paulding County 66 - 61  W
Wins: 18, Losses: 6, Ties: 0
11/09 Newton (Neutral) 60 - 62  L
11/15 At Westlake 91 - 80  W
11/16 Alexander (Neutral) 56 - 69  L
11/23 Decatur (Neutral) 61 - 58  W
11/29 Gainesville (Neutral) 87 - 55  W
12/06 At Pebblebrook 55 - 49  W
12/07 Kell (Neutral) 84 - 59  W
12/10 South Cobb 75 - 54  W
12/13 At Hillgrove 84 - 60  W
12/14 Westside, Augusta (Neutral) 64 - 50  W
12/17 Paulding County 90 - 75  W
12/21 Riverwood 75 - 61  W
1/04 At Grayson 38 - 46  L
1/07 Osborne 90 - 50  W
1/09 At Campbell 50 - 40  W
1/14 At Paulding County 70 - 51  W
1/17 Pebblebrook 63 - 52  W
1/18 At Pace Academy 64 - 59  W
1/21 At Harrison 73 - 56  W
1/24 Hillgrove 67 - 43  W
1/25 Norcross (Neutral) 55 - 45  W
1/28 Campbell (Neutral) 70 - 45  W
1/31 At South Cobb 63 - 64  L
Wins: 19, Losses: 4, Ties: 0