2024-2025 GHSA Boys Basketball Schedule - Explain Ranking - Johnson, Savannah

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Johnson, Savannah5 - 140.252580.564190.498120.43531
Neutral Site
2 / 41 / 82 / 70 / 0
WP =
0.9 * 2 (Home Wins) + 1.1 * 1 (Away Wins) + 1.0 * 2 (Neutral Site Wins)
0.9 * 4 (Home Contests) + 1.1 * 8 (Away Contests) + 1.0 * 7 (Neutral Site Contests)
= 0.25258
(Bradwell Institute)1 * 0.80282(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Johnson, Savannah) +
(South Effingham)1 * 0.34673(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Johnson, Savannah) +
(New Hampstead)1 * 0.42149(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Johnson, Savannah) +
(Calvary Day School)2 * 0.63743(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Johnson, Savannah) +
(Islands)1 * 0.24623(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Johnson, Savannah) +
(Jenkins)2 * 0.49686(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Johnson, Savannah) +
(St. Francis)1 * 0.60386(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Johnson, Savannah) +
(Southwest)1 * 0.89011(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Johnson, Savannah) +
(Long County)1 * 0.37705(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Johnson, Savannah) +
(Columbia)1 * 0.90526(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Johnson, Savannah) +
(Liberty County)1 * 0.52326(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Johnson, Savannah) +
(Woodville-Tompkins)1 * 0.50276(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Johnson, Savannah) +
(Southeast Bulloch)1 * 0.09135(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Johnson, Savannah) +
(Pickens)1 * 1.00000(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Johnson, Savannah) +
(Darlington)1 * 0.70531(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Johnson, Savannah) +
(Monroe Area)1 * 0.22831(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Johnson, Savannah) +
(Windsor Forest)1 * 0.80645(Times Played * Opponent WP Excluding Johnson, Savannah) / 19 (GHSA Opponent Count)
= 0.56419
(Bradwell Institute)1 * 0.53907(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(South Effingham)1 * 0.45716(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(New Hampstead)1 * 0.58374(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(Calvary Day School)2 * 0.59433(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(Islands)1 * 0.42896(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(Jenkins)2 * 0.47202(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(St. Francis)1 * 0.48194(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(Southwest)1 * 0.52885(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(Long County)1 * 0.51216(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(Columbia)1 * 0.51358(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(Liberty County)1 * 0.44782(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(Woodville-Tompkins)1 * 0.48169(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(Southeast Bulloch)1 * 0.39626(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(Pickens)1 * 0.46267(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(Darlington)1 * 0.48044(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(Monroe Area)1 * 0.52033(Times Played * Opponent OWP) +
(Windsor Forest)1 * 0.49684(Times Played * Opponent OWP) / 19 (GHSA Opponent Count)
= 0.49812
PSRF = 0.35 * 0.25258 (WP) + 0.35 * 0.56419 (OWP) + 0.30 * 0.49812 (OOWP) = 0.43531
Opponents (Wins, Contests, WP excludes Johnson, Savannah, OWP includes all opponents)
Neutral Site
Bradwell Institute17 - 46 / 67 / 94 / 60 / 00.802820.53907
South Effingham7 - 134 / 103 / 90 / 10 / 00.346730.45716
New Hampstead10 - 143 / 95 / 111 / 31 / 10.421490.58374
Calvary Day School11 - 65 / 64 / 71 / 21 / 20.637430.59433
Islands5 - 151 / 60 / 50 / 24 / 70.246230.42896
Jenkins8 - 84 / 73 / 60 / 11 / 20.496860.47202
St. Francis13 - 89 / 114 / 80 / 20 / 00.603860.48194
Southwest16 - 25 / 67 / 84 / 40 / 00.890110.52885
Long County7 - 113 / 52 / 82 / 40 / 10.377050.51216
Columbia17 - 24 / 66 / 61 / 16 / 60.905260.51358
Liberty County9 - 83 / 53 / 73 / 50 / 00.523260.44782
Woodville-Tompkins9 - 93 / 64 / 71 / 21 / 30.502760.48169
Southeast Bulloch2 - 191 / 90 / 70 / 31 / 20.091350.39626
Pickens22 - 09 / 97 / 75 / 51 / 11.000000.46267
Darlington15 - 66 / 82 / 57 / 80 / 00.705310.48044
Monroe Area5 - 172 / 92 / 81 / 50 / 00.228310.52033
Windsor Forest17 - 43 / 38 / 105 / 51 / 30.806450.49684


Johnson, SavannahAAA
11/19 At Bradwell Institute 69 - 79  L
11/23 St. Francis (Neutral) 67 - 63  W
11/25 South Effingham (Neutral) 78 - 46  W
11/30 Southwest (Neutral) 50 - 51  L
12/06 At Long County 47 - 55  L
12/07 At Columbia 62 - 73  L
12/13 At Liberty County 44 - 68  L
12/14 Woodville-Tompkins (Neutral) 60 - 61  L
12/17 Southeast Bulloch 68 - 47  W
12/21 New Hampstead (Neutral) 71 - 81  L
12/30 Pickens (Neutral) 54 - 62  L
12/31 Darlington (Neutral) 48 - 73  L
1/04 At Monroe Area 49 - 53  L
1/10 Jenkins 36 - 39  L
1/14 At Calvary Day School 46 - 55  L
1/17 At Islands 50 - 53  L
1/28 Windsor Forest 75 - 67  W
1/31 At Jenkins 54 - 53  W
2/01 Calvary Day School 48 - 59  L
Wins: 5, Losses: 14, Ties: 0
Bradwell InstituteAAAAA
11/16 At Liberty County 83 - 59  W
11/19 Johnson, Savannah 79 - 69  W
11/22 Calvary Day School 57 - 52  W
11/25 St. Francis (Neutral) 66 - 64  W
11/26 Lithia Springs (Neutral) 67 - 27  W
12/03 At Groves 76 - 44  W
12/07 At Calvary Day School 44 - 62  L
12/14 Beach 63 - 50  W
12/17 Swainsboro 75 - 47  W
12/20 At Jenkins 60 - 32  W
12/21 Windsor Forest (Neutral) 67 - 71  L
12/27 McIntosh County Academy (Neutral) 53 - 60  L
12/28 Griffin (Neutral) 70 - 62  W
12/30 New Hampstead (Neutral) 86 - 70  W
1/03 At Beach 55 - 51  W
1/04 Liberty County 88 - 35  W
1/07 At Glynn Academy 75 - 38  W
1/11 At Brunswick 55 - 72  L
1/14 At Statesboro 58 - 49  W
1/17 At South Effingham 96 - 63  W
1/28 Glynn Academy 78 - 33  W
1/31 South Effingham 84 - 50  W
Wins: 18, Losses: 4, Ties: 0
South EffinghamAAAAA
11/08 At Woodville-Tompkins 61 - 66  L
11/15 Woodville-Tompkins 77 - 73  W
11/19 At Camden County 60 - 76  L
11/23 Bryan County 52 - 80  L
11/25 Johnson, Savannah (Neutral) 46 - 78  L
11/26 Groves (Neutral) 58 - 67  L
12/03 Jenkins 68 - 78  L
12/07 At Effingham County 63 - 62  W
12/13 Camden County 61 - 71  L
12/14 At Southeast Bulloch 54 - 46  W
12/17 At New Hampstead 73 - 89  L
12/20 Swainsboro 78 - 75  W
12/21 At Bryan County 69 - 80  L
1/04 Southeast Bulloch 80 - 57  W
1/07 At Statesboro 49 - 86  L
1/11 Glynn Academy 67 - 57  W
1/17 Bradwell Institute 63 - 96  L
1/18 At Glynn Academy 67 - 61  W
1/28 Statesboro 50 - 64  L
1/31 At Bradwell Institute 50 - 84  L
2/01 Brunswick 46 - 73  L
Wins: 7, Losses: 14, Ties: 0
New HampsteadAAAA
11/15 Windsor Forest 54 - 64  L
11/19 Statesboro 46 - 51  L
11/22 At Effingham County 72 - 55  W
11/25 Groves (Neutral) 75 - 46  W
11/26 Beach 56 - 67  L
12/07 At Baldwin 60 - 75  L
12/10 At Statesboro 63 - 62  W
12/14 At Portal 72 - 63  W
12/17 South Effingham 89 - 73  W
12/20 At Savannah 57 - 79  L
12/21 Johnson, Savannah (Neutral) 81 - 71  W
12/27 Liberty County (Neutral) 47 - 51  L
12/28 At Brunswick 62 - 70  L
12/30 Bradwell Institute (Neutral) 70 - 86  L
1/03 Perry 64 - 32  W
1/07 At Ware County 75 - 86  L
1/08 At St Andrews (Non-GHSA) 65 - 59  W
1/10 At Wayne County 72 - 50  W
1/14 At Benedictine 47 - 62  L
1/17 Warner Robins 68 - 63  W
1/18 At Perry 62 - 49  W
1/24 Wayne County 62 - 71  L
1/28 Benedictine 65 - 67  L
1/29 Ware County 62 - 71  L
1/31 At Warner Robins 51 - 75  L
Wins: 11, Losses: 14, Ties: 0
Calvary Day School (Private)AAA
11/16 Union County (Neutral) 67 - 62  W
11/22 At Bradwell Institute 52 - 57  L
11/23 At East Laurens 48 - 50  L
11/30 Battery Creek (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 50 - 39  W
12/06 At Groves 55 - 39  W
12/07 Bradwell Institute 62 - 44  W
12/10 Liberty County 54 - 50  W
12/13 At Southeast Bulloch 72 - 53  W
12/14 East Laurens 58 - 62  L
12/17 Windsor Forest 64 - 47  W
1/03 At Episcopal School of Jacksonville (Non-GHSA) 64 - 69  L
1/07 At Beach 66 - 53  W
1/11 At Benedictine 62 - 67  L
1/14 Johnson, Savannah 55 - 46  W
1/17 At Jenkins 70 - 39  W
1/20 Buford (Neutral) 72 - 76  L
1/28 Beach 66 - 54  W
1/31 Long County 52 - 32  W
2/01 At Johnson, Savannah 59 - 48  W
Wins: 13, Losses: 6, Ties: 0
11/22 FPCA (Non-GHSA) 62 - 63  L
11/23 Savannah Classical 74 - 43  W
11/26 At Richmond Hill 30 - 55  L
12/03 At Habersham (Non-GHSA) 64 - 41  W
12/06 At Southeast Bulloch 50 - 55  L
12/07 Memorial Day School (Non-GHSA) 64 - 38  W
12/10 Windsor Forest 41 - 77  L
12/13 At Long County 29 - 82  L
12/18 Groves 57 - 84  L
12/20 Woodville-Tompkins (Neutral) 44 - 58  L
12/21 Savannah Country Day (Neutral) 44 - 60  L
12/26 TBD (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 63 - 49  W
12/27 TBD (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 42 - 68  L
12/28 TBD (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 59 - 64  L
1/07 At Jenkins 57 - 76  L
1/10 Beach 48 - 64  L
1/11 At Memorial Day (Non-GHSA) 66 - 54  W
1/17 Johnson, Savannah 53 - 50  W
1/28 Jenkins 50 - 64  L
1/31 At Beach 50 - 60  L
2/01 Liberty County 51 - 57  L
Wins: 6, Losses: 15, Ties: 0
12/03 At South Effingham 78 - 68  W
12/06 At Windsor Forest 49 - 71  L
12/07 Swainsboro 48 - 44  W
12/10 Long County 41 - 31  W
12/13 At Groves 64 - 60  W
12/14 At Richmond Hill 35 - 48  L
12/20 Bradwell Institute 32 - 60  L
12/21 Bolles High School (Non-GHSA) 38 - 65  L
12/27 Thomasville (Neutral) 34 - 42  L
1/07 Islands 76 - 57  W
1/10 At Johnson, Savannah 39 - 36  W
1/11 Savannah Country Day 79 - 52  W
1/14 At Beach 41 - 55  L
1/17 Calvary Day School 39 - 70  L
1/18 Bethune-Bowman, SC (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 66 - 43  W
1/28 At Islands 64 - 50  W
1/31 Johnson, Savannah 53 - 54  L
2/01 Beach 48 - 51  L
Wins: 9, Losses: 9, Ties: 0
St. Francis (Private)A Division I
11/09 South Gwinnett 71 - 82  L
11/15 Lakeside, DeKalb 73 - 42  W
11/22 At Centennial 73 - 68  W
11/23 Johnson, Savannah (Neutral) 63 - 67  L
11/25 Bradwell Institute (Neutral) 64 - 66  L
12/03 At Mount Vernon 81 - 83  L
12/05 At Weber School 88 - 36  W
12/10 Galloway 86 - 65  W
12/13 Atlanta International 97 - 30  W
12/14 At Paideia 77 - 82  L
12/20 At Holy Innocents 50 - 67  L
12/27 Starrs Mill 69 - 55  W
12/28 Duluth 39 - 57  L
12/30 Lanier (Neutral) 64 - 69  L
1/07 At Landmark Christian 83 - 61  W
1/10 Wesleyan 63 - 39  W
1/14 B.E.S.T Academy 67 - 64  W
1/17 Mt. Paran Christian 72 - 64  W
1/21 Mt. Pisgah Christian 74 - 56  W
1/24 At Fellowship Christian 81 - 48  W
1/28 Kings Ridge 79 - 61  W
1/31 At Walker 57 - 71  L
Wins: 13, Losses: 9, Ties: 0
SouthwestA Division I
11/16 Laney (Neutral) 71 - 50  W
11/22 At Howard 54 - 35  W
11/26 Jones County 83 - 51  W
11/27 Allatoona (Neutral) 51 - 46  W
11/30 Johnson, Savannah (Neutral) 51 - 50  W
12/03 Washington County 66 - 53  W
12/06 At Jefferson County 84 - 46  W
12/07 Worth County (Neutral) 57 - 54  W
12/10 East Laurens 76 - 71  W
12/13 At Dublin 48 - 57  L
12/14 At Houston County 61 - 53  W
12/21 Luella (Neutral) 77 - 70  W
12/28 At Jones County 77 - 61  W
1/03 Dodge County 69 - 47  W
1/14 At ACE Charter 71 - 55  W
1/17 Bleckley County 37 - 39  L
1/18 At Westside Macon 69 - 56  W
1/28 At Central, Macon 65 - 60  W
1/31 ACE Charter 83 - 52  W
Wins: 17, Losses: 2, Ties: 0
Long CountyAAA
11/19 Tattnall County 38 - 55  L
11/23 Veterans (Neutral) 45 - 60  L
11/26 Appling County (Neutral) 72 - 48  W
12/03 Wayne County 53 - 47  W
12/06 Johnson, Savannah 55 - 47  W
12/07 At Tattnall County 41 - 49  L
12/10 At Jenkins 31 - 41  L
12/13 Islands 82 - 29  W
12/14 St. Andrews (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 40 - 45  L
12/17 At Beach 46 - 47  L
12/20 At Wayne County 57 - 49  W
12/26 Cairo (Neutral) 75 - 51  W
12/28 Monroe (Neutral) 59 - 74  L
1/10 At Vidalia 39 - 49  L
1/14 Windsor Forest 74 - 83  L
1/17 At Southeast Bulloch 77 - 54  W
1/24 Liberty County 60 - 48  W
1/31 At Calvary Day School 32 - 52  L
2/01 At Windsor Forest 54 - 64  L
Wins: 8, Losses: 11, Ties: 0
11/09 Hapeville (Neutral) 79 - 32  W
11/12 Cedar Grove 39 - 61  L
11/15 At M. L. King 70 - 52  W
11/28 Tabernacle Academy (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 54 - 42  W
11/29 St. George (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 68 - 36  W
11/30 Sunland Baptist (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 72 - 51  W
12/03 Southwest DeKalb 48 - 65  L
12/07 Johnson, Savannah 73 - 62  W
12/10 Salem 76 - 49  W
12/17 Drew Charter School 61 - 44  W
12/21 Fort Payne, Al (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 43 - 38  W
1/03 Towers 72 - 47  W
1/07 At Salem 45 - 43  W
1/14 South Atlanta 55 - 51  W
1/17 At Redan 84 - 40  W
1/24 Ketchikan (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 70 - 36  W
1/25 Colony (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 51 - 47  W
1/28 At Miller Grove 53 - 25  W
1/31 At South Atlanta 49 - 48  W
2/03 At Drew Charter School 75 - 49  W
Wins: 18, Losses: 2, Ties: 0
Liberty CountyAAA
11/16 Bradwell Institute 59 - 83  L
11/25 Glynn Academy (Neutral) 55 - 39  W
12/06 Beach 58 - 50  W
12/10 At Calvary Day School 50 - 54  L
12/13 Johnson, Savannah 68 - 44  W
12/20 Westover (Neutral) 41 - 43  L
12/21 Dougherty (Neutral) 37 - 50  L
12/27 New Hampstead (Neutral) 51 - 47  W
12/28 Glynn Academy (Neutral) 79 - 42  W
12/30 At Brunswick 45 - 68  L
1/04 At Bradwell Institute 35 - 88  L
1/07 At Southeast Bulloch 83 - 65  W
1/10 Groves 65 - 44  W
1/17 Windsor Forest 66 - 71  L
1/24 At Long County 48 - 60  L
1/28 Southeast Bulloch 62 - 35  W
1/31 At Groves 50 - 43  W
2/01 At Islands 57 - 51  W
Wins: 10, Losses: 8, Ties: 0
Woodville-TompkinsA Division I
11/08 South Effingham 66 - 61  W
11/15 At South Effingham 73 - 77  L
11/19 Glynn Academy 43 - 37  W
11/27 Tattnall County 53 - 39  W
12/03 Hilton Head (Non-GHSA) 61 - 66  L
12/05 At Bluffton (Non-GHSA) 50 - 77  L
12/06 Savannah Country Day 52 - 66  L
12/10 At Swainsboro 48 - 56  L
12/13 At Hardeeville (Non-GHSA) 65 - 34  W
12/14 Johnson, Savannah (Neutral) 61 - 60  W
12/20 Islands (Neutral) 58 - 44  W
12/21 Beach (Neutral) 42 - 52  L
1/04 At Glynn Academy 52 - 46  W
1/07 At Tattnall County 25 - 58  L
1/10 At Savannah Christian 49 - 34  W
1/14 Vidalia 49 - 57  L
1/17 At Savannah Country Day 50 - 46  W
1/23 Toombs County 48 - 66  L
1/28 At Toombs County 49 - 45  W
Wins: 10, Losses: 9, Ties: 0
Southeast BullochAAA
11/19 Effingham County 35 - 59  L
11/23 At Portal 31 - 76  L
11/25 Athens Academy (Neutral) 30 - 67  L
11/26 Heritage, Conyers (Neutral) 54 - 71  L
12/06 Islands 55 - 50  W
12/07 At Claxton 54 - 58  L
12/10 At Beach 35 - 64  L
12/13 Calvary Day School 53 - 72  L
12/14 South Effingham 46 - 54  L
12/17 At Johnson, Savannah 47 - 68  L
12/20 Effingham County (Neutral) 49 - 51  L
12/21 Trinity Christian, FL (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 50 - 61  L
1/04 At South Effingham 57 - 80  L
1/07 Liberty County 65 - 83  L
1/10 At Windsor Forest 48 - 102  L
1/11 Bulloch Academy (Non-GHSA) 59 - 49  W
1/14 At Groves 44 - 70  L
1/17 Long County 54 - 77  L
1/18 Portal 27 - 44  L
1/28 At Liberty County 35 - 62  L
1/31 Windsor Forest 49 - 75  L
2/01 Groves 50 - 61  L
Wins: 2, Losses: 20, Ties: 0
11/16 Gilmer (Neutral) 75 - 41  W
11/19 Whitefield Academy 72 - 31  W
11/23 Mt. Bethel Christian 47 - 43  W
11/25 Alpharetta 83 - 43  W
11/26 King's Academy (Non-GHSA) 94 - 49  W
12/06 Chestatee 84 - 47  W
12/10 At Lumpkin County 72 - 48  W
12/13 North Hall 103 - 40  W
12/20 Alcovy (Neutral) 71 - 53  W
12/21 Seckinger (Neutral) 65 - 58  W
12/30 Johnson, Savannah (Neutral) 62 - 54  W
12/31 Groves (Neutral) 63 - 41  W
1/03 At White County 79 - 35  W
1/04 Coahulla Creek 78 - 39  W
1/07 At Johnson, Gainesville 87 - 30  W
1/10 Greater Atlanta Christian 87 - 60  W
1/14 At Dawson County 77 - 40  W
1/17 At Chestatee 95 - 31  W
1/21 Lumpkin County 67 - 39  W
1/24 At North Hall 85 - 43  W
1/28 At Greater Atlanta Christian 76 - 50  W
1/31 White County 89 - 42  W
2/01 North Gwinnett (Neutral) 75 - 46  W
Wins: 23, Losses: 0, Ties: 0
Darlington (Private)A Division I
11/16 Banks County (Neutral) 66 - 49  W
11/25 Dalton (Neutral) 52 - 42  W
12/03 Model 66 - 56  W
12/06 At Heard County 79 - 54  W
12/07 Hebron Christian Academy (Neutral) 69 - 39  W
12/10 At Temple 54 - 58  L
12/13 At Pepperell 89 - 42  W
12/14 Hiram (Neutral) 57 - 51  W
12/17 Pepperell (Neutral) 85 - 31  W
12/19 Rockmart (Neutral) 86 - 27  W
12/20 Rome (Neutral) 50 - 69  L
12/30 Groves (Neutral) 63 - 37  W
12/31 Johnson, Savannah (Neutral) 73 - 48  W
1/06 Dalton 45 - 37  W
1/10 Bremen 67 - 36  W
1/14 Haralson County 72 - 20  W
1/17 At Model 51 - 53  L
1/18 Mount Vernon 63 - 71  L
1/21 Heard County 75 - 44  W
1/24 Temple 40 - 48  L
1/28 Pepperell 76 - 23  W
2/01 At Christian Heritage 50 - 68  L
Wins: 16, Losses: 6, Ties: 0
Monroe AreaAAA
11/19 At East Jackson 70 - 65  W
11/22 At Madison County 49 - 69  L
11/26 Cedar Shoals (Neutral) 44 - 55  L
12/03 Loganville 49 - 54  L
12/06 Social Circle 42 - 50  L
12/10 East Jackson 45 - 46  L
12/14 At Winder-Barrow 41 - 78  L
12/17 Oglethorpe County 54 - 42  W
12/19 At Walnut Grove 45 - 36  W
12/27 Mill Creek (Neutral) 45 - 72  L
12/28 Stephens County (Neutral) 79 - 49  W
12/30 North Gwinnett (Neutral) 42 - 61  L
1/03 Cherokee Bluff 53 - 65  L
1/04 Johnson, Savannah 53 - 49  W
1/07 East Hall 63 - 74  L
1/10 At Jefferson 41 - 58  L
1/14 West Hall 63 - 46  W
1/17 At Oconee County 53 - 55  L
1/20 Bleckley County (Neutral) 31 - 53  L
1/24 At Cherokee Bluff 48 - 65  L
1/28 At East Hall 38 - 73  L
1/31 Jefferson 41 - 46  L
2/01 Greene County 44 - 48  L
Wins: 6, Losses: 17, Ties: 0
Windsor ForestAAA
11/09 At Southwest DeKalb 56 - 62  L
11/15 At New Hampstead 64 - 54  W
11/22 At Potters House (Non-GHSA) 40 - 78  L
11/30 Worth County (Neutral) 74 - 58  W
11/30 Worth County (Neutral) 74 - 58  W
12/06 Jenkins 71 - 49  W
12/10 At Islands 77 - 41  W
12/10 At Beach 76 - 60  W
12/17 At Calvary Day School 47 - 64  L
12/20 Bolles (Non-GHSA) (Neutral) 63 - 58  W
12/21 Bradwell Institute (Neutral) 71 - 67  W
12/27 At Brunswick 93 - 89  W
12/28 McIntosh County Academy (Neutral) 68 - 57  W
12/30 Glynn Academy (Neutral) 78 - 48  W
1/04 At Southwest Atlanta Christian 78 - 48  W
1/10 Southeast Bulloch 102 - 48  W
1/14 At Long County 83 - 74  W
1/17 At Liberty County 71 - 66  W
1/20 At Dream Challenge (Non-GHSA) 58 - 84  L
1/28 At Johnson, Savannah 67 - 75  L
1/31 At Southeast Bulloch 75 - 49  W
2/01 Long County 64 - 54  W
Wins: 17, Losses: 5, Ties: 0