To: Principal or Designee
From: Dr. Robin Hines / Don Corr
Subject: Practice Policy for Heat and Humidity – Emergency Action Plan
Date: 24 August 2023
As we start another SY, the GHSA office has fielded numerous calls concerning policy 2.67 Practice Policy for Heat and Humidity. During our SMAC meeting yesterday, the group confirmed what the GHSA Office has been informing schools and you will find the following procedures which should be followed:
- Once a WBGT reading has reached a WBGT reading range and the reading has stayed in that range for 15 minutes, practice restrictions for that range are in place (can’t revert to a lower range).
- If during the same practice the WGBT reading reaches a higher WBGT reading range and the reading has stayed in that range for 15 minutes, practice restrictions are in place for the new range (can’t revert to a lower range).
- If practice hasn’t started and the WBGT reading if Over 92.0, No outdoor workouts are allowed. Schools should delay the start of practice until a cooler WBGT level is reached.
- A scientifically-approved instrument that measures the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature must be utilized. NOTE: Phone apps are not scientifically-approved at this time.
- All WBGT monitors shall be calibrated, at a minimum, every two (2) years or earlier if recommended by the manufacturer.
As a friendly reminder, each school shall have a written Emergency Action Plan (2.21 b) for athletic practices and games. The EAP should be rehearsed annually and documentation included to indicate individuals who participated in this review.
Thanks for all you do to keep our coaches and student-athletes safe.