GHSA Student Advisory Council - Officials’ Appreciation Week
Monday, October 21th, through Sunday, October 26th
The GHSA Student Advisory Council will designate the week of Monday, October 21st, through Sunday, October 26th, as Officials’ Appreciation Week. The Student Advisory Council are aware of the increasing shortage of officials across all sports in both GHSA as well as the entire country, and are concerned with the long-term implications this trend will have on HS sports for future student-athletes. So, in an effort to acknowledge, recognize and celebrate the efforts of the more than 6,830 GHSA registered officials, the Student Advisory Council will designate one week per season to show their gratitude for these men and women. Special thanks to our friends at the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association and their student ambassadors.
“The Georgia High School Association in partnership with the Student Athletic Advisory Council would like to dedicate the week of October 21 through 26 as "Contest Officials Appreciation Week",” said Ernie Yarbrough, Assistant Executive Director, who oversees officiating in the GHSA. “The SAAC requests that all participants and spectators recognize the valuable contribution that our more than 6,830 contest officials provide to our member schools and student-athletes. Please show your appreciation for the countless men and women who work so hard to administer the rules of play by displaying good sportsmanship during all the GHSA sanctioned contests and events."
During the Fall Officials Appreciation Week, the Student Advisory Council is challenging all captains to designate one game during the week of October 21th to give thanks to those officials working that game.
Some suggestions to show their teams appreciation are:
• Providing refreshments such as water or snacks, or a free meal from the concession stand.
• Presenting officials with a certificate of appreciation from the school.
• Presenting officials with a thank you card signed by the team.
• Introducing officials at the start of the game as they stand in the middle of the field or court.
• Offering them free admission to another event at the school, such as a play, musical or concert.
All captains are also asked to share their appreciation efforts on social media by posting pictures and related content using the hashtags: #OfficialGHSA #BecomeAnOfficial