The GHSA has received notification from NFHS concerning the "RIP-IT" bat with the "BBCOR .50" bat markings on the tapered part of the bat. The marking on the tapered part of the bat is legal for the maker of the RIP-IT bat ONLY. Any other bat must meet the current standards. This waiver is good for this year only, and the RIP-IT bat will meet standards next year.
Since the ruling about the RIP-IT baseball bat was made on February 13, 2012, information has been received that indicates that a couple of other manufacturers haved placed the BBCOR labels on the taper of the bat rather than on the barrel. Therefore, for the 2012 season, the BBCOR label may be placed on either the barrel or the taper of the bat.
Please inform your coaches of this change ASAP. Sorry for the confusion, but the NFHS waiver had to be announced before we could make any changes.