1 A Div. A |
Calhoun County |
6 |
Miller County |
34 |
Miller County |
34 |
Calhoun County |
6 |
Pelham |
7 |
Lanier County |
42 |
Seminole County |
49 |
Atkinson County |
12 |
Terrell County |
26 |
Bacon County |
7 |
1 A Div. B |
Atkinson County |
12 |
Seminole County |
49 |
Bacon County |
7 |
Terrell County |
26 |
Clinch County |
Lanier County |
42 |
Pelham |
7 |
2 A Div. A |
Dooly County |
36 |
Johnson County |
12 |
Hawkinsville |
22 |
Telfair County |
0 |
Irwin County |
41 |
Wheeler County |
0 |
Turner County |
51 |
Montgomery County |
0 |
Wilcox County |
48 |
Treutlen |
12 |
2 A Div. B |
Johnson County |
12 |
Dooly County |
36 |
Montgomery County |
0 |
Turner County |
51 |
Telfair County |
0 |
Hawkinsville |
22 |
Treutlen |
12 |
Wilcox County |
48 |
Wheeler County |
0 |
Irwin County |
41 |
3 A |
Bryan County |
Calvary Day School |
21 |
Liberty County |
41 |
Claxton |
20 |
East Laurens |
20 |
Emanuel County Institute |
56 |
Toombs County |
40 |
Jenkins County |
27 |
Schley County |
28 |
Portal |
14 |
Appling County |
20 |
Savannah Country Day |
14 |
McIntosh County Academy |
34 |
4 A |
Brookstone |
34 |
Taylor County |
27 |
Central, Talbotton |
Chattahoochee County |
Greenville |
21 |
Bowdon |
35 |
Pacelli Catholic |
Schley County |
28 |
Jenkins County |
27 |
Stewart-Quitman |
Taylor County |
27 |
Brookstone |
34 |
5 A |
Eagle's Landing Christian |
Fellowship Christian |
28 |
Mt. Zion, Carroll |
0 |
Landmark Christian |
Mt. Pisgah Christian |
Our Lady of Mercy |
12 |
Towns County |
8 |
Whitefield Academy |
14 |
Social Circle |
21 |
6 A |
Bowdon |
35 |
Greenville |
21 |
Bremen |
22 |
Darlington |
24 |
Gordon Lee |
36 |
Creekview |
14 |
Mt. Zion, Carroll |
0 |
Fellowship Christian |
28 |
Trion |
7 |
Commerce |
14 |
7 A |
Aquinas |
Georgia Military College |
28 |
Athens Christian |
19 |
Glascock County |
20 |
Prince Avenue Christian |
15 |
Hancock Central |
6 |
Monroe |
20 |
Lincoln County |
Monticello |
Twiggs County |
0 |
Bleckley County |
20 |
Warren County |
15 |
Jefferson |
13 |
Wilkinson County |
8 A |
Athens Academy |
Athens Christian |
19 |
Georgia Military College |
28 |
Commerce |
14 |
Trion |
7 |
Jefferson |
13 |
Warren County |
15 |
Prince Avenue Christian |
15 |
Glascock County |
20 |
Social Circle |
21 |
Whitefield Academy |
14 |
Towns County |
8 |
Our Lady of Mercy |
12 |
1 AA |
Albany |
7 |
Thomasville |
41 |
Berrien |
10 |
Early County |
40 |
Brooks County |
26 |
Randolph-Clay |
14 |
Cook |
Early County |
40 |
Berrien |
10 |
Fitzgerald |
41 |
Mitchell County |
0 |
Mitchell County |
0 |
Fitzgerald |
41 |
Randolph-Clay |
14 |
Brooks County |
26 |
Thomasville |
41 |
Albany |
7 |
2 AA |
Appling County |
20 |
Portal |
14 |
Brantley County |
Charlton County |
Jeff Davis |
Long County |
McIntosh County Academy |
34 |
Savannah Country Day |
14 |
Pierce County |
19 |
Tattnall County |
18 |
Savannah Christian |
3 AA |
Jefferson County |
Josey |
14 |
Hart County |
35 |
Laney |
40 |
Metter |
7 |
Metter |
7 |
Laney |
40 |
Screven County |
21 |
Westside, Augusta |
7 |
Southeast Bulloch |
13 |
Swainsboro |
42 |
Swainsboro |
42 |
Southeast Bulloch |
13 |
Westside, Augusta |
7 |
Screven County |
21 |
4 AA |
Bleckley County |
20 |
Twiggs County |
0 |
Dodge County |
16 |
Crisp County |
7 |
Dublin |
24 |
Stephens County |
14 |
East Laurens |
20 |
Claxton |
20 |
Tattnall County |
18 |
Pierce County |
19 |
Toombs County |
40 |
Emanuel County Institute |
56 |
Vidalia |
20 |
Worth County |
0 |
5 AA |
Callaway |
6 |
Manchester |
25 |
Crawford County |
28 |
Lamar County |
41 |
Heard County |
20 |
Macon County |
8 |
Lamar County |
41 |
Crawford County |
28 |
Macon County |
8 |
Heard County |
20 |
Manchester |
25 |
Callaway |
6 |
Marion County |
14 |
Pike County |
6 |
Pike County |
6 |
Marion County |
14 |
Rutland |
6 AA |
Avondale |
7 |
Lovett |
42 |
Buford |
55 |
Wesleyan |
6 |
Creekview |
14 |
Gordon Lee |
36 |
Cross Keys |
0 |
Greater Atlanta Christian |
61 |
Decatur |
6 |
Walker |
42 |
Greater Atlanta Christian |
61 |
Cross Keys |
0 |
Holy Innocents' |
Lovett |
42 |
Avondale |
7 |
Walker |
42 |
Decatur |
6 |
Wesleyan |
6 |
Buford |
55 |
7 AA North |
Adairsville |
43 |
Temple |
20 |
Calhoun |
56 |
Model |
0 |
Chattooga |
13 |
Rockmart |
10 |
Dade County |
22 |
Coosa |
29 |
LaFayette |
0 |
Pepperell |
42 |
Sonoraville |
13 |
Armuchee |
55 |
7 AA South |
Armuchee |
55 |
Sonoraville |
13 |
Coosa |
29 |
Dade County |
22 |
Darlington |
24 |
Bremen |
22 |
Model |
0 |
Calhoun |
56 |
Pepperell |
42 |
LaFayette |
0 |
Rockmart |
10 |
Chattooga |
13 |
Temple |
20 |
Adairsville |
43 |
8 AA Div. A |
Greene County |
63 |
Banks County |
13 |
Morgan County |
3 |
Franklin County |
24 |
North Oconee |
7 |
Rabun County |
25 |
Oglethorpe County |
30 |
Union County |
14 |
Putnam County |
20 |
Fannin County |
33 |
Washington-Wilkes |
55 |
Dawson County |
31 |
8 AA Div. B |
Banks County |
13 |
Greene County |
63 |
Dawson County |
31 |
Washington-Wilkes |
55 |
Fannin County |
33 |
Putnam County |
20 |
Rabun County |
25 |
North Oconee |
7 |
Union County |
14 |
Oglethorpe County |
30 |
1 AAA |
Cairo |
Crisp County |
7 |
Dodge County |
16 |
Dougherty |
7 |
Lee County |
31 |
Monroe |
20 |
Hancock Central |
6 |
Westover |
27 |
Americus-Sumter |
13 |
Worth County |
0 |
Vidalia |
20 |
2 AAA Div. A |
Carver, Columbus |
22 |
Northside, Columbus |
0 |
Columbus |
7 |
Shaw |
34 |
Harris County |
20 |
Hardaway |
27 |
Jordan |
Kendrick |
0 |
LaGrange |
13 |
LaGrange |
13 |
Kendrick |
0 |
2 AAA Div. B |
Hardaway |
27 |
Harris County |
20 |
Northside, Columbus |
0 |
Carver, Columbus |
22 |
Shaw |
34 |
Columbus |
7 |
Spencer |
25 |
Troup |
49 |
Troup |
49 |
Spencer |
25 |
3 AAA Div. A |
Benedictine |
12 |
Windsor Forest |
35 |
Burke County |
Hephzibah |
36 |
Butler |
32 |
Liberty County |
41 |
Calvary Day School |
21 |
Richmond Hill |
South Effingham |
3 AAA Div. B |
Butler |
32 |
Hephzibah |
36 |
Cross Creek |
Glenn Hills |
Harlem |
Thomson |
Washington County |
4 AAA Div. A |
Eagle's Landing |
Henry County |
Jackson |
21 |
Perry |
20 |
Mary Persons |
7 |
Northeast |
21 |
Ola |
Spalding |
10 |
West Laurens |
17 |
4 AAA Div. B |
Central, Macon |
Northeast |
21 |
Mary Persons |
7 |
Peach County |
Perry |
20 |
Jackson |
21 |
Southwest |
West Laurens |
17 |
Spalding |
10 |
5 AAA Div. A |
Carver, Atlanta |
Clarkston |
41 |
Monroe Area |
21 |
McNair |
7 |
Redan |
10 |
South Atlanta |
18 |
Blessed Trinity |
37 |
Southside |
12 |
Druid Hills |
9 |
Therrell |
6 |
Chamblee |
41 |
Towers |
0 |
Stephenson |
42 |
5 AAA Div. B |
Blessed Trinity |
37 |
South Atlanta |
18 |
Chamblee |
41 |
Therrell |
6 |
Druid Hills |
9 |
Southside |
12 |
Dunwoody |
Grady |
North Atlanta |
7 |
M. L. King |
42 |
Riverwood |
Westminster |
6 AAA |
Carrollton |
Cartersville |
Cass |
Cedartown |
Central, Carroll |
Haralson County |
Sandy Creek |
Villa Rica |
23 |
Northgate |
6 |
7 AAA Div. A |
Chestatee |
13 |
Johnson, Gainesville |
7 |
East Hall |
3 |
Flowery Branch |
49 |
Gilmer |
Lumpkin County |
13 |
Gainesville |
49 |
North Hall |
41 |
West Hall |
14 |
White County |
20 |
Pickens |
52 |
7 AAA Div. B |
Flowery Branch |
49 |
East Hall |
3 |
Gainesville |
49 |
Lumpkin County |
13 |
Johnson, Gainesville |
7 |
Chestatee |
13 |
Pickens |
52 |
White County |
20 |
West Hall |
14 |
North Hall |
41 |
8 AAA |
Apalachee |
28 |
Alcovy |
0 |
Elbert County |
19 |
Cedar Shoals |
37 |
Franklin County |
24 |
Morgan County |
3 |
Hart County |
35 |
Josey |
14 |
Monroe Area |
21 |
Clarkston |
41 |
Oconee County |
28 |
Salem |
34 |
Stephens County |
14 |
Dublin |
24 |
1 AAAA |
Americus-Sumter |
13 |
Westover |
27 |
Bainbridge |
13 |
Colquitt County |
38 |
Lee County |
31 |
Dougherty |
7 |
Thomas County Central |
7 |
Tift County |
24 |
2 AAAA |
Banneker |
23 |
McIntosh |
16 |
Creekside |
33 |
Whitewater |
12 |
Fayette County |
22 |
Woodward Academy |
29 |
McIntosh |
16 |
Banneker |
23 |
Northgate |
6 |
Villa Rica |
23 |
Starr's Mill |
31 |
Westlake |
38 |
Westlake |
38 |
Starr's Mill |
31 |
Whitewater |
12 |
Creekside |
33 |
Woodward Academy |
29 |
Fayette County |
22 |
3 AAAA |
Brunswick |
7 |
Glynn Academy |
0 |
Effingham County |
32 |
Ware County |
22 |
Evans |
19 |
Greenbrier |
21 |
Glynn Academy |
0 |
Brunswick |
7 |
Greenbrier |
21 |
Evans |
19 |
Lakeside, Evans |
12 |
Richmond Academy |
10 |
Richmond Academy |
10 |
Lakeside, Evans |
12 |
Statesboro |
31 |
Wayne County |
0 |
Ware County |
22 |
Effingham County |
32 |
Wayne County |
0 |
Statesboro |
31 |
4 AAAA Div. A |
Forest Park |
0 |
Griffin |
43 |
Griffin |
43 |
Forest Park |
0 |
Jonesboro |
Lovejoy |
23 |
Eastside |
33 |
Mt. Zion, Jonesboro |
13 |
East Coweta |
35 |
North Clayton |
20 |
Riverdale |
21 |
Riverdale |
21 |
North Clayton |
20 |
4 AAAA Div. B |
Baldwin |
Dutchtown |
21 |
Stockbridge |
42 |
Jones County |
0 |
Northside, Warner Robins |
45 |
Northside, Warner Robins |
45 |
Jones County |
0 |
Stockbridge |
42 |
Dutchtown |
21 |
Upson-Lee |
28 |
Westside, Macon |
56 |
Westside, Macon |
56 |
Upson-Lee |
28 |
5 AAAA Div. A |
Cherokee |
14 |
Chapel Hill |
0 |
East Paulding |
42 |
Alexander |
7 |
Hillgrove |
Sequoyah |
27 |
Woodland |
0 |
South Paulding |
Woodland |
0 |
Sequoyah |
27 |
5 AAAA Div. B |
Alexander |
7 |
East Paulding |
42 |
Chapel Hill |
0 |
Cherokee |
14 |
Douglas County |
10 |
Pebblebrook |
7 |
Lithia Springs |
7 |
Osborne |
14 |
Osborne |
14 |
Lithia Springs |
7 |
Pebblebrook |
7 |
Douglas County |
10 |
6 AAAA |
Cedar Grove |
15 |
Marist |
32 |
Columbia |
6 |
Southwest DeKalb |
31 |
Lakeside, DeKalb |
22 |
Washington |
34 |
Marist |
32 |
Cedar Grove |
15 |
Mays |
14 |
Stone Mountain |
0 |
Miller Grove |
16 |
North Springs |
7 |
North Springs |
7 |
Miller Grove |
16 |
Southwest DeKalb |
31 |
Columbia |
6 |
St. Pius X |
10 |
Tucker |
7 |
Stone Mountain |
0 |
Mays |
14 |
Tucker |
7 |
St. Pius X |
10 |
Washington |
34 |
Lakeside, DeKalb |
22 |
7 AAAA |
Dalton |
27 |
Ringgold |
0 |
Gordon Central |
25 |
Southeast Whitfield |
23 |
Lakeview-Ft. Oglethorpe |
0 |
Rome |
34 |
Northwest Whitfield |
27 |
Ridgeland |
13 |
Ridgeland |
13 |
Northwest Whitfield |
27 |
Ringgold |
0 |
Dalton |
27 |
Rome |
34 |
Lakeview-Ft. Oglethorpe |
0 |
Southeast Whitfield |
23 |
Gordon Central |
25 |
8 AAAA Div. A |
Clarke Central |
48 |
Loganville |
6 |
Dacula |
17 |
Madison County |
7 |
Habersham Central |
21 |
Rockdale County |
23 |
Jackson County |
21 |
Winder-Barrow |
15 |
Loganville |
6 |
Clarke Central |
48 |
Madison County |
7 |
Dacula |
17 |
Winder-Barrow |
15 |
Jackson County |
21 |
8 AAAA Div. B |
Alcovy |
0 |
Apalachee |
28 |
Cedar Shoals |
37 |
Elbert County |
19 |
Eastside |
33 |
Lovejoy |
23 |
Heritage |
14 |
Paulding County |
20 |
Rockdale County |
23 |
Habersham Central |
21 |
Salem |
34 |
Oconee County |
28 |
Coffee |
60 |
Johnson, Savannah |
0 |
Colquitt County |
38 |
Bainbridge |
13 |
Houston County |
20 |
Parkview |
10 |
Lowndes |
7 |
Central Gwinnett |
11 |
Tift County |
24 |
Thomas County Central |
7 |
Valdosta |
21 |
Lincoln, FL |
24 |
Warner Robins |
56 |
Beach |
18 |
Douglass, Atlanta |
27 |
Tri-Cities |
21 |
Lithonia |
18 |
Newnan |
34 |
Luella |
M. L. King |
42 |
North Atlanta |
7 |
Newton |
20 |
Morrow |
10 |
Redan |
10 |
McNair |
7 |
Stephenson |
42 |
Towers |
0 |
Union Grove |
Beach |
18 |
Warner Robins |
56 |
Bradwell Institute |
Camden County |
Groves |
Jenkins |
Johnson, Savannah |
0 |
Coffee |
60 |
Savannah |
8 |
Hiram |
36 |
Windsor Forest |
35 |
Benedictine |
12 |
East Coweta |
35 |
Mt. Zion, Jonesboro |
13 |
Hiram |
36 |
Savannah |
8 |
Morrow |
10 |
Newton |
20 |
Mundy's Mill |
Newnan |
34 |
Lithonia |
18 |
Paulding County |
20 |
Heritage |
14 |
Tri-Cities |
21 |
Douglass, Atlanta |
27 |
5 AAAAA Div. A |
Campbell |
28 |
Murray County |
7 |
Harrison |
30 |
Woodstock |
0 |
Kennesaw Mountain |
14 |
Etowah |
17 |
McEachern |
9 |
North Cobb |
14 |
South Cobb |
25 |
Marietta |
7 |
5 AAAAA Div. B |
Etowah |
17 |
Kennesaw Mountain |
14 |
Marietta |
7 |
South Cobb |
25 |
Murray County |
7 |
Campbell |
28 |
North Cobb |
14 |
McEachern |
9 |
Woodstock |
0 |
Harrison |
30 |
6 AAAAA Div. A |
Kell |
7 |
Northview |
24 |
Lassiter |
21 |
Chattahoochee |
24 |
Pope |
40 |
Milton |
42 |
Sprayberry |
7 |
Centennial |
19 |
Walton |
7 |
Roswell |
21 |
Wheeler |
16 |
Alpharetta |
23 |
6 AAAAA Div. B |
Alpharetta |
23 |
Wheeler |
16 |
Centennial |
19 |
Sprayberry |
7 |
Chattahoochee |
24 |
Lassiter |
21 |
Milton |
42 |
Pope |
40 |
Northview |
24 |
Kell |
7 |
Roswell |
21 |
Walton |
7 |
Collins Hill |
20 |
Mill Creek |
0 |
Duluth |
Forsyth Central |
20 |
North Gwinnett |
31 |
Mill Creek |
0 |
Collins Hill |
20 |
Norcross |
38 |
North Forsyth |
0 |
North Forsyth |
0 |
Norcross |
38 |
North Gwinnett |
31 |
Forsyth Central |
20 |
Peachtree Ridge |
28 |
South Forsyth |
0 |
South Forsyth |
0 |
Peachtree Ridge |
28 |
Berkmar |
Brookwood |
Central Gwinnett |
11 |
Lowndes |
7 |
Grayson |
Meadowcreek |
Parkview |
10 |
Houston County |
20 |
Shiloh |
South Gwinnett |