Reminder of new rule changes for the 2023 season.
WRISTBANDS/PLAYCARDS: They must be worn on the wrist or arm or kept in the pocket. It CANNOT be worn on the belt. If worn by the pitcher, the wristband with a playbook/playcard must be worn on the non-pitching wrist or arm.
ENDING GAME: The umpire may call (end) a game if playing conditions in or around the facility become unacceptable to safely continue the game.
PITCHING: The pitcher may now have both feet off the ground at the same time as long as both feet remain within the 24-inch width of the pitching plate and the pitcher does not replant the pivot foot. Rule 2-47 defines that a replant of the pivot foot occurs when the pitcher pushes off the playing surface from anywhere other than the pitcher’s plate prior to the act of delivering the pitch.
FOREIGN SUBSTANCE: Pitchers shall only use dirt, powdered rosin or comparable drying agents that are listed on the USA Softball’s certified equipment webpage to dry the hand.
OBSTRUCTION – Rules 2-36, 8-1-1d, 8-4-3b: First, you must understand the difference between “obstruction” and “interference”. Obstruction is an act by a defensive player without the ball that hinders a batter from making contact with the pitched ball, or impedes the advancement of the batter-runner or runner who is running the bases. The act may be intentional or unintentional, physical or verbal. Interference is an act by a member of the offensive team to impede the ability of a defensive player to make a play on the ball.
Keys to interpret obstruction correctly:
- A defensive may NOT block the base/plate without the ball.
- An obstructed runner is always advanced at least one base for being obstructed.
- An obstructed runner cannot be put out once they have been obstructed.
- An obstructed runner is not awarded a base they did not attempt to obtain.
- If a runner obtains the base they would have reached without an obstruction there is no need to signal obstruction.
Keep in mind obstruction is a “judgment call”, and is based on a decision concerning how a runner’s movement was impeded, altered, or stopped due to a defender’s actions. These should be the only factors in considering whether obstruction occurred.
SPORTSMANSHIP STATEMENT – We request that a player from the host school read the “GHSA Sportsmanship Statement” over the P/A system after the coaches’ pregame plate meeting with the umpires. This new initiative was sent to your AD, but apparently many of the coaches have not received it.
DEFENSIVE COACHES – During live play the only coaches allowed outside the confines of the dugout are those in the coaching boxes at 1st and 3rd base. Defensive coaches standing or sitting on buckets are not allowed outside the dugout, regardless of the location or configuration of the dugout.
NFHS Softball Weekly Rule Interpretations
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The lineup shown here is a legal starting lineup utilizing the DP/FLEX option (3-3-6). In order for a lineup to be complete each starting player must have their first initial and last name, jersey number, position and batting order (3-1-3). As can be seen here each starting player has a defensive position listed in the lineup, with the exception of spot #4 in the lineup whose starting position is DP. Since the DP is designed to start the game playing offense only their starting position is listed as DP and they are required to be listed in the top 9 positions in the lineup(3-3-6a). Also of note is that the FLEX, which is listed 10th in the lineup(3-3-6b), is a defensive specialist and is required to have a defensive position listed in the starting lineup. Once the plate umpire accepts this lineup as an official lineup, a coach may make changes prior to a pitch being thrown.
Example 1: After the lineup is made official, the coach may say, "Blue, my DP is going to pitch and #3 is going to play offense only" (3-3-6e). The umpire should mark this change on the lineup card to ensure the correct player is eligible for a courtesy runner later in the game. Also it should be noted that #3 has NOT left the game as they will continue to bat in the 9th position in the lineup.
Example 2: After the lineup is made official the coach may say "Blue I want my DP to play defense for the FLEX" (3-3-6e). The umpire should mark the FLEX player (#18) as having left the game and would have one reentry.
Example 3: After the lineup is made official, the coach may say “Blue I want my FLEX to bat for my DP” (3-3-6d). The DP has left the game in this situation and the umpire should mark #24 as having left the game and they would have one reentry. |
19 |
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17 |
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24 |
4 |
DP |
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15 |
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22 |
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2 |
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3 |
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18 |
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10 |
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55 |