MALICIOUS CONTACT. Malicious contact interference and is an immediate dead ball. The player is out and all runners must return to the last base touched at the time of the interference.
PLAYER SAFETY: Rule 3-3-9 states “Any player who exhibits signs, systems, or behaviors consistent with a concussion (such as loss of consciousness, headache, dizziness, confusion, or balance problems) shall be immediately removed from the game and shall not return to play until cleared by an appropriate health-care professional.” It does not matter what the coach, player or player’s parents say – the player must be removed. It is the responsibility of the umpires to ensure this is done.
WET BULB GLOBE TEMPERATURE (WBGT): The use of WBGT for ALL Fastpitch Softball Contests is mandated as follows: 1. WBGT must be measured 15 minutes prior to start of contest, coaches and umpires must be notified. 2. If WBGT is equal or above 86.0 F, an ice immersion tub must be present and ready for use. 3. If WBGT is equal or above 88.0 F, Umpires will take a 3-minute hydration break at the beginning and mid-point of inning 3 and continuing until the conclusion of the game. The “Host School” is responsible for monitoring the WBGT.
OFFICIAL GAME: Rule 4-2-2a “If a game ends because of weather conditions… it is a regulation game provided: a). five full innings have been played; or if the home team has scored an equal or greater number of runs in four or four and a fraction turns at bat than the visiting team has scored in five turns.” If the home team scores the go ahead run in the bottom of the fifth inning and game is called because of weather, darkness, etc. it is a complete game and home team wins.
ARTIFICIAL NOISE MAKERS IN DUGOUT - GHSA policy prohibits the use of “artificial noise makers” in the dugout and on the field of play that are not part of the game. Banging on buckets with any item that is part of the game is permitted. NOTE: hands, bats, balls are items that are part of the game and are allowed. Drum sticks, air horns, etc. are not permissible. Stomping on benches is allowed.
CANCER AWARENESS MONTH – September is the GHSA Cancer Awareness Month for fall sports.
NFHS Softball Weekly Rule Interpretations - #1
Situation 1: In the bottom of the fourth inning, B3 is due up to bat but B4 bats instead, reaching first base safely. B3 now comes to bat and draws a walk advancing R1(B4) to second base. With R1(B4) on second base and R2(B3) on first base B5 comes to the plate. Before a pitch legal or illegal, the defensive coach approaches the umpire about batting out of order. The umpire rules that B5 is out for not batting in their proper position, B3 is removed from the base and B4 is returned to first base. B6 is now the proper batter. RULING: Correct ruling. Once a pitch was thrown to B3 it legalized B4’s time at bat making B5 the next proper batter. This appeal was made after B3 completed their turn at bat and prior to a pitch to the next batter. B5 is ruled out for failing to bat in their proper position, B3’s time at bat is negated and they are removed from the base and any runners who were not declared out must return to the base occupied at the time of the pitch. B6 is the next proper batter with 1 out and B4 on first base. (7-1-2 Penalties 1-5)
Situation 2: In the third inning, B7 is the proper batter but B8 bats instead reaching first base safely. B7 now comes to bat and reaches base safely advancing R1(B8) to third base. B9 now comes to bat and has a 1 ball 0 strike count when the defensive coach approaches the umpire about batting out of order. The umpire rules that the proper batter is B8, but since B8 is on base they will be skipped without penalty and B9 is now the proper batter and will continue their time at bat. RULING: Correct ruling. Since a pitch was thrown to B9 it legalized B7’s at bat and B8 should be the next proper batter. When several players bat out of order before discovery and the proper batter’s time at bat occurs while they are still on base, they remain on base and are not out as a batter. The next proper batter is the player who follows that batter, in this case B9. (7-1-2 Penalties 1-6)
Situation 3: With R1 on second base and no outs, B2 hits the ball to the fence. As R1 rounds third base they are accidentally tripped by F5. The umpire signals a delayed dead ball and verbalizes obstruction when R1 is tripped. With B2 two steps away from second base, the third base coach picks R1 up and they run home where they are tagged out on a very close play. The umpire rules that since R1 was obstructed the physical assistance by the coach is ignored and R1 is out on the tag at home. RULING: Incorrect ruling. Since R1 was obstructed between third base and home plate, they cannot be called out between these two bases, with only six exceptions as listed in rule 8-4-3b Penalties 1, Exceptions. A runner being physically assisted is not one of the exceptions listed under this rule. However, since obstructed runners must legally run the bases, once the runner is physically assisted, they are out by rule. When an obstructed runner is either put out or called out by rule and:
- Is still between the two bases where they were obstructed and has not violated a listed exception.
- Or they have not yet reached the base they would have reached had there not been obstruction.
In both of the above cases, the ball becomes dead and the obstructed runner and all other runners affected by the obstruction are awarded the base or bases they would have reached had there been no obstruction. In this case, B2 would most likely be awarded second base and R1 would be awarded home or third base determined by umpire judgement of which base they would have reached had there been no obstruction. (5-1-3; 8-4-3b; 8-6-5)