Applications are now being accepted to become a member of the 2022-23 GHSA Student-Athlete Advisory Council. The SAAC applicants must be recommended by the Principal or AD and meet the following criteria listed below. New members will be composed of one male and female student from each classification. Deadline for application is May 25, 2022.
Qualifications for GHSA Student- Athlete Advisory Council:
· Preferably rising 10th, 11th, or 12th graders
· Should be an athlete on at least 1 sports team and a member of at least 1 club or school organization (i.e. Student Council or Leadership Council)
· Should be someone who would be a good representative of your school and the GHSA with experience in community service.
· Should have a parent, teacher, or coach who could bring him/her to the fall meeting and the Leadership conference in the spring.
· Must be a student in good academic standing with no history of disciplinary problems.
· Should be willing to help out at state championship events or any event sanctioned by the GHSA.
· Must be able to meet in person two times a year and online monthly.
· Must be excited about being a representative for student-athletes in Georgia.
Apply online by May 25, 2022
If you have any questions, please email Penny Mitchell ( or call 478+957-9775.