Since 2001, the Georgia High School Association (GHSA) and the American Association of Adapted Sports Programs, Inc. (AAASP) have served in a dual governance alliance whereby GHSA recognizes AAASP as the governing and sanctioning body for interscholastic adapted athletics serving Georgia’s students with physical disabilities and qualifying health and sensory impairments. Eligible students are boys and girls enrolled in General Education or Special Education classes in elementary, middle and high school and have an orthopedic impairment as defined under the federal law Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Examples of the types of disabilities students may have include cerebral palsy, spina bifida, spinal cord injury, amputee, muscular dystrophy, osteogenesis imperfecta, traumatic brain injury, and other physical disorders (see Students must maintain passing grades or adhere to their IEP goals and submit an annual physical. In addition, students, who register must, at a minimum, have the maturity and ability to understand strategy and to apply standards employed for their safety. AAASP uses a district-wide approach to forming adaptEDSPORTS® teams. Students with physical disabilities may be enrolled in schools across the district, so a school located in the central part of the district may serve as the host venue for the district adapted sports team. For school districts located in more rural areas, a group of districts may elect to cooperate in forming regional teams. Association membership is open to all school districts. If the district elects, they may collaborate with another school district or community partner, such as a local YMCA and/or Parks and Recreation Department. Member programs of AAASP must complete a yearly membership agreement and must keep current all seasonal association fees. In order for school districts and their partnering agencies to maintain membership, all adaptEDSPORTS® coaches and coordinators must attain AAASP certification in the adapted sport(s) that they coach. The AAASP Association Fee in Georgia is currently $3,100 per sport season for up to four teams fielded by a school district regardless of division (varsity or junior varsity). Click on the following link to see some of the member services offered by AAASP:
In addition to the rules published by AAASP for each adapted sport, other policies and procedures apply to all member teams. This document may be viewed at:
- Wheelchair Handball is a state championship co-ed event in two divisions: Junior Varsity and Varsity. Game and championship schedules are developed by AAASP. A championship venue will be chosen yearly at the State Coordinator’s meeting in August.
- All AAASP/GHSA wheelchair handball competitions will be conducted in accordance with the “Wheelchair Handball Rulebook” as published by AAASP and found on the AAASP website at:
- During handball, eligible students can use approved powerchairs. All other athletes will participate using manual wheelchairs. Players found using powerchairs illegally, or not having control of their chair, may be disqualified from competition and/or forfeiture of the game by the offending team.
- Notification of intent to participate in adapted sports must be submitted by member programs (school districts and/or community partners) in mid-July of each upcoming school year, via an AAASP “Member Application and Registration” form, found at: Member programs will be issued a password in order to access this protected area.
- Member programs (school districts or community partners) must also submit an Official Roster (14 player limit per team for handball), Data Collection, and Vital Team Information forms by the dates published by AAASP and titled, “Important Season Dates” (updated before each school year). All forms and dates may be found on the AAASP website at: NOTE: Member programs will be issued a password in order to access this protected area.
- The number of games allowed, excluding state championships, are six (6) per season, three (3) home, and three (3) away games. All competitions will be played on Saturday’s, unless approved otherwise by AAASP.
- Beginning and ending dates for practices and competitions can be found on the AAASP website at:
- In the event that a competition ends in a tie during regular or post-season competition, a sudden death eight-minute (8-minute) period will be played. At the end of the sudden death period, if the score remains tied, then there will be a five (5) player shoot-out with each team alternating shots until one of the teams scores the tie-breaking point.
- All returning coaches must complete the AAASP/GHSA online rules clinic for handball and submit test scores to AAASP for recertification.
- All returning game officials must complete the AAASP/GHSA face-to-face rules clinic for handball and submit test scores to AAASP for recertification.
- All game schedules will be completed by AAASP and game officials will be assigned by AAASP for each sports season.
- The AAASP/GHSA State Wheelchair Handball Championships will be held on the dates published by AAASP in the Important Season Dates and will be:
- The top 4 teams in each division advance to a one-day championship consisting of two semi-final games and a final (or state title) game.
- Details of the State Championship will be sent to the member programs by AAASP the week before the scheduled championship’s published dates.
- Wheelchair Handball State Championship venue sites will be pre-approved by AAASP.
- Wheelchair Basketball is a state championship co-ed event in two divisions: Junior Varsity and Varsity. Game and championship schedules are developed by AAASP. A championship venue may be chosen yearly at the State Coordinator’s meeting in August or the championship venue may be hosted by 1st and 2nd place in the standings for the varsity division and by 1st place in the standings for the junior varsity division.
- All AAASP/GHSA wheelchair basketball competitions will be conducted in accordance with the “Wheelchair Basketball Rulebook” as published by AAASP and found on the AAASP website at: (Please go to the following link for the current year’s NWBA Rules and Case Book:
- During wheelchair basketball, eligible students must use manual wheelchairs only. Players found not having control of their chair, may be disqualified from competition and/or subject to forfeiture of the game by the offending team.
- Notification of intent to participate in adapted sports must be submitted by member programs (school districts and/or community partners) in mid-July of each upcoming school year, via an AAASP “Member Application and Registration” form, found at: NOTE: Member programs will be issued a password in order to access these protected forms.
- Member programs (school districts or community partners) must also submit an Official Roster (12 player limit per team for basketball), Data Collection, and Vital Team Information forms by the dates published by AAASP and titled, “Important Season Dates” (updated before each school year). All forms and dates may be found on the AAASP website at: NOTE: Member programs will be issued a password in order to access these protected forms.
- The number of games allowed, excluding state championships, are six (6) per season, three (3) home, and three (3) away games. All competitions will be played on Saturday’s, unless approved otherwise by AAASP.
- Beginning and ending dates for practices and competitions can be found on the AAASP website at:
- In the event that a competition ends in a tie during regular or post-season competition, play shall continue without change of baskets for one or more extra period(s) with a two (2) minute intermission before each extra period. The game shall end, when, at the end of any extra period, the score is not tied. The length of each extra period is five (5) minutes. The extra periods are an extension of the second half.
- All returning coaches must complete the AAASP/GHSA online rules clinic for basketball and submit test scores to AAASP for recertification.
- All returning game officials must complete the AAASP/GHSA face-to-face rules clinic for basketball and submit test scores to AAASP for recertification.
- All game schedules will be completed by AAASP and game officials will be assigned by AAASP for each sports season.
- The AAASP/GHSA State Wheelchair Basketball Championships will be held in conjunction with the GHSA / Dr. Ralph Swearngin Basketball State Championships, on the date published by GHSA. The championships will be:
- For the varsity division: The top four varsity teams will advance to two semi-finals games, the winners of which will advance to one state title competition game at the GHSA / Dr. Ralph Swearngin Basketball State Championships.
- For the junior varsity division: The top four junior varsity teams will advance to two semi-final games, and a state title competition game.
- Details of the State Championship (and semi-finals) will be sent to the member programs by AAASP the week before the scheduled championship’s published dates.
- Wheelchair Basketball State Championship venue site will be chosen and approved by GHSA; Semi-final championship venue sites will be pre-approved by AAASP.
- Wheelchair Football is a state championship co-ed event in two divisions: Junior Varsity and Varsity. Game and championship schedules are developed by AAASP. A championship venue may be chosen yearly at the State Coordinator’s meeting in August or the championship venue may be hosted by 1st place in the standings for the varsity division and by 1st place in the standings for the junior varsity division.
- All AAASP/GHSA wheelchair football competitions will be conducted in accordance with the “Wheelchair Football Rulebook” as published by AAASP and found on the AAASP website at:
- During football, eligible students can use approved powerchairs. All other athletes will participate using manual wheelchairs. Players found using powerchairs illegally, or not having control of their chair, may be disqualified from competition and/or forfeiture of the game by the offending team.
- Notification of intent to participate in adapted sports must be submitted by member programs (school districts and/or community partners) in mid-July of each upcoming school year, via an AAASP “Member Application and Registration” form, found at: NOTE: Member programs will be issued a password in order to access these protected forms.
- Member programs (school districts or community partners) must also submit an Official Roster (14 player limit per team for football), Data Collection, and Vital Team Information forms by the dates published by AAASP and titled, “Important Season Dates” (updated before each school year). All forms and dates may be found on the AAASP website at: NOTE: Member programs will be issued a password in order to access these protected forms.
- The number of games allowed, excluding state championships, are six (6) per season, three (3) home, and three (3) away games. All competitions will be played on Saturday’s, unless approved otherwise by AAASP.
- Beginning and ending dates for practices and competitions can be found on the AAASP website at:
- Extra Periods: The NCAA tie-breaker system will be used when a game is tied after the end of regulation. Immediately after the conclusion of the game, officials will instruct both teams to retire to their respective team areas. The officials will assemble at the center of the court and review the tie-breaker procedures. The officials will call the captains to the center of the field for the coin toss. The official shall toss a coin at the center of the court in the presence of captains from each team and the other game official(s). The captain of the visiting team will call the coin toss. The winner of the toss shall choose one of the following options:
- Offense or defense, with the offense at the opponent’s three-point line to start the first series.
- Which end of the field shall be used for the overtime period.
- Team series: Each team retains the ball for four plays during a series or until it scores, turns the ball over or fails to score. During the first two series, each team has the option of attempting a 1 or 2-point PAT conversion. Beginning with the third series, both teams must attempt a 2-point PAT conversion. Examples are:
- After each team has put the ball in play by snap at the beginning of its series, the score is tied or there has been no score. RULING: Begin the second series for each team.
- If during an overtime series, Team A is intercepted, it will end their possession for the series. Interceptions may never be advanced in overtime play. RULING: Team B begins their possession for the series.
- If during an overtime series, Team B is intercepted, it will end the series. RULING: If Team A scored during their possession of the series, then the game is over and Team A is the winner. If Team A did not score, then you begin the next series.
- Scoring: The team scoring the greater number of points during the regulation and extra periods shall be declared the winner. There shall be an equal number of series, in the overtime period.
- All returning coaches must complete the AAASP/GHSA online rules clinic for football and submit test scores to AAASP for recertification.
- All returning game officials must complete the AAASP/GHSA face-to-face rules clinic for football and submit test scores to AAASP for recertification.
- All game schedules will be completed by AAASP and game officials will be assigned by AAASP for each sports season.
- The AAASP/GHSA State Wheelchair Football Championships will be held on the dates published by AAASP in the “Important Season Dates” and will be:
- The top four teams in each division will advance to a one-day championship consisting of two semi-final games and a final (or state title) game.
- Details of the State Championship will be sent to the member programs by AAASP the week before the scheduled championship’s published dates.
- Wheelchair Football State Championship venue sites will be pre-approved by AAASP.