Coach’s Notes
09/20/2019 and 9/24/2019
- For any stunt and especially secondary stunt, all groups must demonstrate stability at the extended point of the executed stunt. This cannot be a show & go style execution. If you are not receiving credit, make sure all groups are executed correctly.
- Remember that teams may not come onto the floor chanting or cheering in an organized fashion. Teams may enter the floor and leave the floor showing spirit. The timing of the routine will begin with the first (organized) movement, first word, or first musical sound in the routine. Also, once your routine is complete, please have your team leave the mat. Do not have a huddle on the floor. Please review page 3-6 (Top of the page of the GHSA Competition Manual).
Example: The team comes on the floor and one girl yells 1,2,3,4 and school name, then the team yells 5,6,7,8 and the school name. The time may begin with 1. Starting this off floor would also create an issue with possible timing violations.
- If you choose to do a front heel stretch and a regular heel stretch as two of your flexibility positions, you need to make sure that there is a distinction between the two positions and that you are not rushing the skill blending it together.
- Reminder: Shoes – Shoes strings may not be tied around the bottom of the shoe. Tape may not be used on the competition shoe. Both will be called as illegal uniforms. It will be called under rule 3-1-2.
- Reminder: If you have an athlete who has been authorized by a medical physician to wear a specific type of equipment please make sure you clear this equipment (braces, nose guards, etc.) with Penny Pitts and Pam Carter prior to the day of competition. Your judges will be notified that you have been cleared. You should have the medical authorization letter on file from the doctor.
- If you are in doubt about the hair bow you are wearing, please submit a picture to Penny and Pam for review. Word and the picture will be sent to all judges if the bow is cleared.
Cleared this week. Sequins are a part of the fabric and not individually sewn into the material. The main thing we are concerned about are hand glued or sewn items and rhinestones. Rhinestones would be classified as jewelry and illegal.
- Please remember when submitting video for legal/illegal interpretation submit a practice video. We are not to use competition videos and will only use them in an emergency. Please double check to make sure you are submitting the correct team/stunt/pyramid. Do not submit a whole routine unless you want us to evaluate everything in the routine that might be legal and illegal. (I don’t think you want that – concentrate on one thing at a time!).
Remember to label all videos/emails with your school/coach name. We need a copy of the Safety Infraction Sheet with the name of the Competition/Date and Head Judge. We will obtain notes for you from the judges if possible.
- We do not evaluate individual routine scoring. If you felt there was an issue we will be glad to discuss it with the routine judges but we will not evaluation and alter any scores. Reminder – you only receive credit for executed stunts/pyramids/skills. Example: Team jumps and one girl misses the jumps. Then you only receive credit for 15 of the 16 jumps. Not considered a full team jump at the time she misses that skill.
- Daith piercings are considered jewelry and are not allowed. They must be removed before competing.