At the special called meeting on January 14, 2014, the GHSA Executive Committee adopted the following new qualifying standards, which are effective immediately (Important Note: The minimum score for teams (96.0) and an all-around (34.0) must be achieved in a single meet.):
Any team that scores a 96.0 or better during the regular season will automatically qualify for the preliminary meet.
An all-around score of 34.00 or better during the regular season will qualify a gymnast for the preliminary meet.
An individual score of 8.5 or better during the regular season will qualify a gymnast for the preliminary meet.
(The scores must be signed by a GHSA certified judge. Only a signed copy by the judge verifying the results of the meet will be accepted. A copy of the meet results that meet the minimum scores should be faxed to 678-262-3664.)