
Last Updated: Tue, 02/11/2025 - 12:07pm



  1. Golf is a state championship event for boys and girls held on an Area basis in Classes 1A through 6A. For the next two-year reclassification cycle a separate 1A1, 2A and 3A Private State tournament will be held. Each Public class in 2A though class 6A will be divided into four Areas by combining two regions. Area assignments can be found on the Golf Home Page at An Area Coordinator should be assigned by the two combined regions to schedule and direct the area golf tournament. In Class A, four Areas will be assigned after separating into Division 1 and Division 2. An Area Coordinator should be assigned to schedule and direct the area tournaments. The Private school division will be divided into four Areas. These Areas should select an Area Coordinator as well.
  2.  All GHSA golf matches shall be conducted in accordance with the “Rules of Golf” as published by the United States Golf Association (USGA). Please refer to the GHSA Postseason HARD CARD for the Rules of Play for competition. Exceptions specific to all GHSA competitions include:
    1.  Players may use push/pull carts in regular season and post season matches. Motorized carts or caddies are not permitted.
    2.  Range finders and GPS devices will be allowed in match and tournament play with the following stipulations:
      1. In each grouping (2-4 players), if any player uses a “range finder” then all players will have access to the distance information.
      2. Any player using a device who does not share the distance information with other players in his grouping, when asked, will be subject to disqualification for a serious breach of etiquette.
      3. Single function GPS devices that measure distance are allowed. Any device that performs multiple functions may be used for distance only. Use of any other functions will lead to disqualification.
      4. Smart Phones/Watches that include yardage book applications may be used during play. Any use of these devices is limited to scoring as well as what is covered under the USGA rules that govern “artificial devices.”
    3. The use of spectator carts will be based upon their availability at each course. Only spectators with a legitimate handicap will be allowed to rent a cart when there is a limited availability.
  3. School Rosters must be submitted electronically on the GHSA MIS system by April 15, 2025. A school may list up to 10 golfers for the Postseason. Lineup changes/substitutions may be made at the Area/Sectional/State level but only using those golfers listed in MIS.
    1. In addition, each School Roster must be input in iWanamaker (the GHSA golf app) by April 15, 2024. Results from Area/Sectional/State Tournaments must be verified and finalized both in iWanamaker as well as the GHSA MIS system
    2. Golfers not submitted by the deadline are ineligible to compete in the postseason.
    3. Entering an ineligible player in a postseason event is punishable by disqualification.
  4. The number of matches allowed (excluding region, sectional and state tournaments) is twelve (12) playing dates.
    1. A 9-hole match played prior to the last play date will count as 1/2 playing date.
    2. Schools may use one (1) Saturday during the regular season as a playing date that does not count as one of their twelve (12) allowed play dates.
  5. Beginning and ending dates for practice and competition can be found at the front of this publication.
    1. There will be no interschool practice or scrimmages in golf.
    2. A golf match may not begin prior to the end of the school day with the exception of post-season tournaments.
  6. A maximum of two (2) golf coaches may confer with their golfers anywhere on the course with the exception of the greens, so long as there is no delay in play. Note: Conversations with or suggestions from any other person is prohibited (First violation: warning. Second violation: 2-stroke penalty. Third violation: disqualification).
  7. In the event that a match ends in a tie during the regular-season or post-season competition, a “team sudden-death playoff” will be used.
    1. All six (6) players will play the first playoff hole
    2. The first foursome will include the top two players from each team, the second foursome will include the 3rd and 4th players from each team, and the final foursome will include the other two players.
    3. The best four (4) scores of each team will count.
    4. If the teams are still tied, all players will proceed to the next playoff hole.
    1. All four (4) players will play the first playoff hole in A , 2A, 3A and Private; all five (5) players will play in 4A-6A.
    2. The first foursome will include the No. 1 and No. 2 players from each team, the second foursome will include the No. 3 and No. 4 players from each team, and in 4A-6A the last twosome will include the No. 5 players from each team.
    3. The best two scores of each team will count in classes A, 2A, 3A and Private; the best three scores will count in classes 4A through 6A.
    4. If the teams are still tied, all players will proceed to the next playoff hole. NOTE: Any ties for Individual championship in Area and/or State must be played off using a “sudden death” format.
  8. It is permissible for coaches to use “split squads” during the regular season. If both squads are playing in the same event, it will count as only one (1) of the school’s maximum allowed competitions. However, if the split squads are playing in two different events, it will count as two (2) of that school’s maximum allowed competitions.
  9. A maximum score of 10 per hole will be used in all competitions, regular-season and GHSA post-season.
  10. All golf coaches must complete the GHSA/GSGA online rules clinic for golf or the school will be fined. Dates for the clinic may be found on the GHSA web site.


  1. Each Area Tournament will be an 18-hole event.
    1. The Area Director is responsible for communicating details of the Area Tournament to both Region Secretaries that form the Area who will (in turn) communicate to all schools in their respective regions. GHSA will maintain no record of where or when the Area Tournaments are scheduled to be played.
    2. Boys: A team may enter up to six (6) players with the top four scores counting. Girls: Classes 4A through 6A: A team may enter up to five (5) girls with the three best scores counting. In Classes A-3A and Private: A team may enter up to four (4) girls with the best two scores counting.
    3. In Classes 4A-6A, the following advancement criteria from the Area Tournament to the State Tournament will apply:
      1. Each Team Area Champion and Runner-Up will receive an automatic bid to the State Championships.
      2. Each Team that finishes in 3rd and 4th Place will advance to a Classification Sectional.
      3. The Area Tournament Director will electronically submit the Area results to and iWanamaker no later than 9:00 a.m. on April 28, 2025.
    4. In Classes A through 3A, the top three public school teams in the respective Area tournaments will advance to the State Championships along with the top individual on a non-qualifying team in each area. Private schools in 1A-3A will be placed in four separate Areas with three teams from each Area advancing to the Private State Tournament along with the top individual on a non-qualifying team from each area.   
      1. Ties for the final qualifying slot(s) must be played off.
      2. The Area Tournament Director will electronically submit the Area results to and iWanamaker no later than 9:00 a.m. on May 5, 2025. 
  2. Each Area Tournament will have a team competition and an individual competition.
    1. The lowest Individual score not automatically qualifying for the Classification Sectional or the State Championships as a member of a full team will advance to the State Championships.
    2. In the case of a tie for a qualifying slot, the tied competitors must play it off.
    3. Schools that do not have a regular girls' or boys' team may enter individuals in the Area Tournament to compete for individual advancement to the State Tournament.
  3. Each school will pay an entry fee to participate in the Area Tournament as follows:
    1. Boys' teams all Classes: $140.00: Girls teams Classes 4A-6A: $120.00. Girls Teams Classes 1A-3A and Private: $100. All Individuals: $30.00.
    2. The checks are to be made payable to the golf course to help cover costs.


  1. Each Sectional Tournament will be an 18-hole event.
    1. Details of the tournament will be sent to schools by the Sectional Director.
    2. Boys: A team may enter up to six (6) players with the top four scores counting. Girls: A team may enter up to five (5) girls with the three best scores counting.
    3. The following advancement criteria from the Sectional Tournament to the State Tournament will apply: Each team that finishes in 1st through 4th Place will advance to the State Championships.
    4. Ties for the final qualifying slot(s) must be played off.
    5. The Sectional Tournament Director will submit electronically to the GHSA the Sectional Golf Results ( and iWanamaker.  The deadline for this submission is May 7, 2025, at 9:00 a.m.
  2. Each Sectional Tournament will have a team competition and an individual competition.
    1. The lowest 2 Individual scores not automatically qualifying for the State Championships as a member of a full team will advance to the State Championships.
    2. In the case of a tie for a qualifying slot, the tied competitors must play it off.
  3. Each school will pay an entry fee to participate in the Sectional Tournament as follows:
    1. Boys' teams: $140.00; Girls teams: $120.00.
    2. The checks are to be made payable to the golf course to help cover costs.


  1. The State Golf Tournaments in all classifications will be held on the dates designated in the Beginning and Ending Dates table at the front of this publication.
    1. All State Tournaments shall be 36-hole events. Note: In the case that one of the rounds is canceled due to inclement weather, etc., the tournament will be an 18-hole event.
    2. Details of the state tournaments will be sent to the schools involved by the respective tournament directors or the GHSA office.
    3. Substitutions from the Area/Sectional Tournaments to the State Tournament must be submitted to the Tournament Director no later than 6:00 p.m., the evening before the State Final.
    4. Substitutions after the first day of the State Tournament must be submitted to the Tournament Director no later than 8:00 a.m., on the morning of the second round.
  2. All State Tournament sites will be marked and prepared by the Tournament Director and the host club’s golf professional. The Georgia State Golf Association will provide officials for the State Tournament to answer questions regarding the Rules of Golf.
  3. The recommended playing distances for all Area, Sectional, and State Tournaments: Boys - 6,500 yards; Girls - 5,500 yards (on Par 72 courses). Adjustments may be made for Par 70 or Par 71 layouts.
  4. Each school will pay an entry fee to participate in the GHSA State Tournament as follows:
    1. Boys' teams: $260.00; Girls teams Classes 4A-6A: $220.00. Girls Teams A-3A and Private: $200. All Individual qualifiers: $50.00.
    2. The checks are to be made payable to the golf course to help cover costs.
  5. A listing of the State Tournament sites will be posted on the GHSA web site (