Spirit squads! On Friday nights at football games, the same NFHS rules apply. Please remove all jewelry, beads, boas, leis, and hats. If you are trying to support the theme put in place by your student section or school, please make sure you stick with the rules. Page 18 of the NFHS rules book. 3.1.1 and 3.1.2
Also, tuck baskets are not allowed in high school cheerleading- spirit or competition.
The GHSA staff attends ballgames all over the state every Friday and know the rules for the NFHS. Please be aware that fines may be given for your school if these rules are not followed. It is your job as the coach to know the rules.
Competition coaches:
It was great to attend a competition this weekend! The teams already look great and it is only September. I remember back in the day when state was held in February and we didn't compete until November at the earliest! We never dreamed we could be ready by September and wow- y'all are ready! Congratulations on the teams who performed well!
Restitution fees: If you have ever hosted a competition, you know the extensive work that is involved. The host has ordered T-shirts and concessions to accommodate the numbers expected to attend. The host has ordered trophies based on the number of teams competing. The host has already prepared to pay the judges for the amount of teams attending weeks ahead of the competition. So, if you are going to pull out of a competition, you must let the hosting team know 4 weeks in advance. It is only fair to the host as they prepare for a competition. Please email the coach and complete the Withdrawal from Cheerleading competition form found at
Rosters and declaration for All-girl or Coed are due by Oct. 1 on the MIS site. Log in at app.ghsa.net and go to rosters.
Have a great week!
Penny Pitts Mitchell
Associate Director
Cheer & Dance/Title IX/Gymnastics/Esports/SAAC
Georgia High School Association
151 South Bethel Street
Post Office Box 271
Thomaston, Georgia 30286
706-647-7473, Ext #22
FAX: 706-647-2638