As we get further into the football season, please keep in mind the following:
1. Run through signs are great! That is a time when the whole stadium is seeing the way you want to support and welcome your team to the field. Whether it is with a vinyl sign that you use each week, or its one that your cheerleaders have spent several days painting and preparing for the big game, it should be done with the best of intentions. It should be in support of one's school, not ones that taunt the opposing team.
2. Keep in mind that no stunting is allowed while holding the signs for the players to run through. This does not mean that you have to make smaller signs, get the parents that are good at building things to come up various ways to help keep the sign in the air.
3. Please keep young children off of the field/track during the game where your cheerleaders are cheering. No other sport would allow kids to be in their performance area. Only your high school cheerleaders should be in their cheer lines with no one walking through. I can't imagine jumping or stunting while worrying that someone will run through your lines. Please treat your performance area on the field/track as your playing field with only your team allowed in this space.