All spirit coaches, please continue to send a picture of your best painted run-throughs or signs that you put up in your stadium that are cheering for your team and not derogatory to the opposing team.
Also, you can send pictures of examples of sportsmanship. Take a look at the GHSA website. ( Scroll down on the main page to the photo gallery to see what is already there! It makes me so proud of all of you. Thanks for being proactive in promoting sportsmanship at your games and schools.
For tournament hosts: The new forms needed for scoring and for judges are being updated this week on the website. Make sure they are dated 2019 before you use them.
Reminder: Oct. 1 is the deadline to submit rosters and declare All-girl or Coed at After Oct. 1, this site will be closed to coaches. You can update/change your team's names by contacting me after this date. Your team must compete in 3 competitions to be eligible to compete at region and state.
Penny Pitts Mitchell
Associate Director
Cheer & Dance/Title IX/Gymnastics/Esports/SAAC
151 South Bethel Street
Post Office Box 271
Thomaston, Georgia 30286
706-647-7473, Ext #22
FAX: 706-647-2638